Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
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Modelling Quantum Software: An Annotated Bibliography
Modelado de software cuántico: una bibliografía comentada
Modelagem de software quântico: uma bibliografia anotada
Luis Mariano Bibbo
,(*), Alejandro Fernandez
Jose Manuel Suarez
, Oscar Pastor
Recibido: 10/10/2024 Aceptado: 10/10/2024
Summary. - This annotated bibliography delves into the field of quantum computing, focusing specifically on the
resources used throughout the software life cycle. It examines several published works that analyze quantum software
modelling in the context of the various phases of the life cycle, from analysis/requirements to testing and maintenance.
Each annotation provides an analysis of software engineering resources applicable to quantum software development
and their applicability to different phases of the software development process. By synthesizing these diverse
perspectives, this bibliography illuminates the evolving landscape of quantum software development and underscores
the critical role of modelling in the context of software engineering. The result provides a valuable starting point for
researchers and practitioners who wish to deepen the interplay between quantum computing and software engineering,
fostering innovation and advances in this evolving field.
Keywords: Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Computing, Quantum Modelling, Quantum Design.
(*) Corresponding Author.
Researcher. LIFIA, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.,
Researcher. LIFIA, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, CICBA - Provincia de Buenos Aires La Plata, Argentina., ORCID iD:
Researcher. LIFIA, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.,
Researcher. PROS Research Centre, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Espana.,
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 286
Resumen. - Esta bibliografía anotada profundiza en el campo de la computación cuántica, centrándose
específicamente en los recursos utilizados a lo largo del ciclo de vida del software. Examina varios trabajos publicados
que analizan el modelado de software cuántico en el contexto de las diversas fases del ciclo de vida, desde el
análisis/requisitos hasta las pruebas y el mantenimiento. Cada anotación proporciona un análisis de los recursos de
ingeniería de software aplicables al desarrollo de software cuántico y su aplicabilidad a diferentes fases del proceso
de desarrollo de software. Al sintetizar estas diversas perspectivas, esta bibliografía ilumina el panorama cambiante
del desarrollo de software cuántico y subraya el papel fundamental del modelado en el contexto de la ingeniería de
software. El resultado proporciona un valioso punto de partida para investigadores y profesionales que deseen
profundizar en la interacción entre la computación cuántica y la ingeniería de software, fomentando la innovación y
los avances en este campo en evolución.
Palabras clave: Ingeniería de software cuántico, Computación cuántica, Modelado cuántico, Diseño cuántico.
Resumo. - Esta bibliografia anotada se aprofunda no campo da computação quântica, focando especificamente nos
recursos usados ao longo do ciclo de vida do software. Ela examina vários trabalhos publicados que analisam a
modelagem quântica de software no contexto das várias fases do ciclo de vida, desde análise/requisitos até testes e
manutenção. Cada anotação fornece uma análise dos recursos de engenharia de software aplicáveis ao
desenvolvimento de software quântico e sua aplicabilidade a diferentes fases do processo de desenvolvimento de
software. Ao sintetizar essas diversas perspectivas, esta bibliografia ilumina o cenário em evolução do
desenvolvimento de software quântico e ressalta o papel crítico da modelagem no contexto da engenharia de software.
O resultado fornece um ponto de partida valioso para pesquisadores e profissionais que desejam aprofundar a
interação entre computação quântica e engenharia de software, promovendo inovação e avanços neste campo em
Palavras-chave: Engenharia de Software Quântico, Computação Quântica, Modelagem Quântica, Design Quântico.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 287
1. Introduction. - Software engineering, according to Boehm [1], ”is the practical application of scientific knowledge
to the design, development of computer programs and the associated documentation required to develop, operate and
maintain them”. It is also known as Software Development or Software Production. Bauer [2], treats Software
Engineering as the establishment of engineering principles and methods for obtaining costeffective software that is
reliable and works on real machines. Then in 1993, the IEEE synthesised it as the application of a systematic, disciplined
and quantifiable approach to software development, operation and maintenance.
At its core, software engineering addresses the challenges associated with creating and maintaining complex and
reliable software systems. This involves carrying out activities such as requirements specification, architectural design,
code implementation, software testing, configuration management, project management and software quality
One of the main objectives of software engineering is to improve productivity and efficiency in software development,
while minimizing errors and ensuring customer satisfaction. This is achieved through the application of software
development practices and methodologies, such as Model Driven Development (MDD) [3], [4], Extreme Programming
(XP), Agile methodology, among others [5].
1.1. Quantum Computing. - Quantum computing is an innovative field that relies on the principles of quantum
mechanics to process information in a radically different way from classical computing [6]. Unlike classical bits, which
can be in one of two states (0 or 1) at any time, quantum qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously [7], thanks
to a phenomenon known as quantum superposition. This allows quantum computing to explore a much wider range of
possibilities in parallel, making it potentially much more powerful for certain types of problems.
One of the fundamental concepts in quantum computing is quantum entanglement, which allows two or more qubits
to be intrinsically related so that the state of one is instantaneously correlated with the state of the other, regardless of
the distance between them. This leads to a phenomenon known as quantum teleportation, where information can be
transferred between distant qubits without requiring physical transmission of the information through space [8].
Quantum algorithms [9], such as Shor’s famous algorithm for integer factorization and Grover’s algorithm for
unstructured search, offer enormous potential for solving problems that would be virtually impossible to tackle with
classical computation in a reasonable amount of time. These algorithms take advantage of the unique properties of
quantum mechanics to perform computations much more efficiently than their classical counterparts, which could have
a significant impact in areas such as cryptography, optimization and molecular simulation.
Despite its potential, quantum computing is still in its early stages of development and faces numerous technical
challenges, such as the need to build more robust and stable qubits, develop effective quantum error correction
techniques and build scalable hardware architectures. However, recent advances in the field have generated great
interest and optimism in the scientific and technological community, and quantum computing is expected to play a
transformative role in solving some of the most complex challenges in computing and science in the decades to come
Quantum computing represents an innovative way of processing information by exploiting the principles of quantum
mechanics. These computing systems, based on units of information called qubits, operate in a superposition state,
allowing them to perform calculations simultaneously in multiple states. Quantum algorithms are algorithms designed
specifically to be run on quantum computers, taking advantage of the unique properties of quantum mechanics to solve
problems more efficiently than their classical counterparts. Quantum circuits, on the other hand, are graphical
representations of sequences of quantum operations that transform a set of input qubits into a desired result. These
circuits are the basis for the implementation of quantum algorithms and are composed of Quantum gates, which
represent the fundamental logical operations in quantum computation, such as the Hadamard gate, the CNOT gate and
the phase gate. Each quantum gate performs a specific transformation on the states of qubits, allowing complex
computations and efficient problem solving in a quantum environment.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 288
1.2. Modelling and Quantum Computing. - Quantum computing has emerged as a fascinating field that promises to
revolutionize the way we process information, and its potential impact extends to a wide range of fields, from
cryptography and artificial intelligence to molecular simulation and process optimization. In this context, modelling
plays a crucial role in providing tools and methodologies to represent and understand quantum systems more accurately
and effectively. Through modelling, researchers and developers can capture the complex phenomena underlying
quantum computation, explore new possibilities for quantum algorithms and circuits, and design more efficient and
robust systems. In this paper, we will analyze in depth various initiatives that are exploring modelling techniques
applied to Quantum Computing. This review is inspired by the work of kitchenham [11] where we will focus on
examining how different modelling approaches are being used to advance the field of quantum computing, identifying
the challenges and opportunities they face and exploring their potential to drive the next generation of quantum
As quantum computing advances, the need to develop higher-level tools and programming languages to facilitate the
development of quantum or mixed systems becomes evident. Currently, most of the tools available for quantum
computing are expressed at a low level, similar to assembly language in classical computing. This means that
programmers must have a deep understanding of the underlying architecture and the specific characteristics of qubits
to write effective code, which can be a significant obstacle for those who are not experts in quantum physics.
To address this challenge, it is essential to develop higher-level software engineering resources that hide the underlying
complexity and allow developers to focus on business logic and problem solving [12]. This includes creating more
intuitive programming languages and software abstractions that simplify interaction with quantum systems. In addition,
there is a need to develop libraries and frameworks that provide common functions and development tools for tasks
such as simulation, debugging and optimization of quantum algorithms.
By favoring the development of quantum or mixed systems, where parts of the system are quantum and others are
traditional [10], these software engineering resources can pave the way for the wider adoption of quantum computing
in a variety of applications and industry sectors. By enabling a broader set of developers to harness the power of
quantum computing without requiring a deep understanding of the underlying physics, these tools have the potential
to accelerate innovation and bring quantum computing out of the lab and into the real world.
Building quantum software benefits greatly from the use of abstract models to guide the development process. These
models provide a simplified but accurate representation of quantum systems, allowing developers to capture the
essence of their operation and behavior without having to worry about implementation details at the code level. By
focusing on creating these abstract models, developers can concentrate on properly understanding and specifying
system requirements, facilitating clearer and more effective communication between team members and ensuring a
shared understanding of the project.
The advantage of using abstract models in building quantum software lies in their ability to simplify the inherent
complexity of quantum systems. By representing the essential aspects of the system in a clear and concise manner,
abstract models allow developers to approach complex problems more systematically and effectively. Furthermore, by
separating the specification of the system from its implementation, abstract models make it easier to adapt the software
as requirements or technologies evolve, ensuring that the system is flexible and can be easily maintained over time.
In summary, the use of abstract models in building quantum software offers a number of significant benefits, including
better understanding and specification of system requirements, clearer communication between team members, and
greater flexibility and adaptability in software development [12]. By focusing on the creation and use of these abstract
models, organizations can develop quantum software more efficiently and effectively, driving the adoption and
advancement of quantum computing in a variety of applications and fields of study. Understanding ”how” abstract
models are used for building ”what” type of quantum software is one of the goals of the work that we present here.
2. Papers Analyzed. - The following compilation features a curated selection of various software engineering
resources within the domain of Quantum Software modelling. Each entry delves into the complexities of quantum
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 289
software modelling, elucidating the intricate interplay between quantum principles and established software
engineering practices.
First, we will write a brief summary of each work, and then we will review the collection to identify a) which software
engineering resources they contribute and b) at which stage of the software development lifecycle they are applied.
1. (2019) [13] Towards a Pattern Language for Quantum Algorithms:
The paper presents a set of Abstract Patterns for Quantum programming. These are de list of patterns proposed:
Initialisation (State Preparation)
Uniform Superposition
Creating Entanglement
Function Table
Oracle (Black Box)
Uncompute (Unentangling, Copy-Uncompute)
Phase Shift
Amplitude Amplification
Speedup via Verifying
Quantum-Classic Split
Patterns describe abstract solutions, independent of any concrete implementations. They intend to grow the proposed
pattern language and make it available in the pattern repository PatternPedia. In parallel, concrete implementations of
the patterns in quantum languages like QASM are considered, and these implementations will be linked to the
corresponding patterns.
2. (2020) [14] Towards a Quantum Software Modeling Language, (2022) [15] Design of classical-quantum systems
with UML also in [16] Chapter 6: A quantum software modeling language:
In these works, the authors introduce the concept of Quantum software modelling by expressing that Quantum
Computing is based on the counter-intuitive principles of quantum mechanics [7], such as superposition and
entanglement, among others. Thus, lessons learned from existing and classical design techniques cannot simply be
applied [9], but new quantum foundations and features have to be devised. In this sense, quantum software is currently
still coded manually and ad hoc. For example, although there are some well-known algorithms that are defined in the
literature using mathematical formalism, these algorithms have been hand-coded in multiple ways for specific quantum
programming languages without any prior design or modelling. They then introduce the concept of - Hybrid quantum
information systems: The adoption of quantum information systems will not be a complete replacement of classical
information systems. Both technologies will operate in parallel in what is known as ”hybrid information systems”.
This is because it does not make sense to use quantum software to solve simple and simplistic problems, as these are
already adequately performed by classical computers, and at lower cost. Thus, classical software will in the future act
as a driver orchestrating requests to quantum software. Classical quantum information systems must therefore be
analyzed and designed together, which in itself poses another major challenge.
The main contribution of this work is to provide a quantum UML profile that covers the main modelling aspects of the
analysis and design of hybrid information systems. The quantum UML profile also covers structural and behavioral
aspects. In particular, it addresses use cases, class, sequence, activity and deployment diagrams. As a result, both
quantum and classical elements, as well as the relationships between them, can be modelled together in an integrated
It has a special section discussing Quantum Software Design, where different approaches are mentioned.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 290
3. (2020) [17] Software engineering for ’quantum advantage’:
This paper argues for the need for a proper quantum software engineering discipline benefiting from precise
foundations and calculi, capable of supporting algorithm development and analysis.
They identify the following main issues around which any roadmap for a Software Engineering discipline should take
into account: i) how (quantum) systems are modelled, ii) how models are composed (architectures), and finally, iii)
how properties of their behaviors are anticipated, expressed and verified.
Models: Different effects in computational models, for example partiality, non-determinism, probabilism, etc,
are formally captured by monads (a structure that in functional programming combines program fragments
”functions” and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation). In particular, this may be a
way to bring quantum and cyber-physical programming together. Actually, recent developments on the
semantics of (classical) hybrid components introduced a new monad capturing continuous evolution in a
topological setting which caters for stability aspects.
Architectures: A first challenge in this direction will aims at exploring what an algebra of mixed classical and
quantum systems could be. In a sense the mathematical structure underlying ‘categorical quantum mechanics
already possesses the basic ingredients for a calculus of quantum processes: composition (via tensor),
measurements of entangled states (allowed by the compact closed structure), feedback (through dagger) and
probabilistic branching (via biproducts), and last but not least, a formal diagrammatic notation.
Properties: Three research challenges emerge: i) the characterization of a contract-based development
discipline for assertional reasoning about quantum programs; ii) the proposal of a dynamic logic incorporating
(classical) noise at the expression level to reason about probabilistically controlled fault tolerance in quantum
programs; and, finally, iii) the identification of a semantic bridge between ‘categorical quantum mechanics’,
which may be seen as a type theoretic form of quantum logic, and dynamic logics supporting assertional
Their starting point, similar to classical computation, quantum algorithmics will significantly benefit from a
mathematically based approach. This approach should be capable of conceptualizing and predicting behavior, as well
as providing a rich, formal framework for specifying, developing, and verifying quantum algorithms. These
foundational aspects emerge from the confluence of various mathematical disciplines and insights gleaned from
software engineering practice.
4. (2020) [18] Selection of quantum computing architecture using a decision tree approach:
The motivation of this paper is to discuss various architecture examples from different industries and then to create a
standard decision tree to choose the right software architecture depending on the nature of the quantum project.
The different types of projects are Quantum annealing, Quantum simulation and Universal quantum computing (Gate-
based quantum algorithms). They developed a questionnaire to identify the type of project. The questions are simple
but quite trivial.
5. (2020) [19] Integrating quantum computing into workflow modelling and execution:
They introduce a modelling extension for imperative workflow languages to enable the integration of quantum
computations and ease the orchestration of classical applications and quantum circuits. They validate the practical
feasibility of our approach by applying our proposed extension to BPMN and introduce Quantum4BPMN.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 291
6. (2020) [20] Modeling Quantum programs: Challenges, initial results, and research directions:
The paper defines the concepts of high-level abstraction (platform independent) modeling language development.
Proposes a quantum modeling approach at multiple levels of abstraction, class diagramming, flows and state machine.
Presents an example of quantum entanglement modeling. It also proposes some lines of action and open issues
involving Quantum Software Modeling Notations and Methodologies, Quantum Constraint Specification, Quantum
Model-based Testing, Quantum Program Generation among others.
7. (2021) [21] Towards Model-Driven Quantum Software Engineering:
This work explores the use of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) on quantum technologies by means of an intermediate
abstraction layer (with metamodels, transformations and automatic code generation) that allows the independence of
current platforms (hardware + languages) and their interoperability. The solution is described in a very general and
abstract way, proposing modelling tools pending development, which were later developed in a subsequent work by
the same author [22].
8. (2021) [23] Quantum Software Models: The Density Matrix for Classical and Quantum Software Systems Design:
This paper claims that there should be just a single unified and rigorous design procedure for both classical and
quantum software systems.
The main contribution of this paper is the unified linear algebra design approach to classical and quantum software
systems, starting from their representation as design Density Matrices.
9. (2022) [22] A Model-Driven Framework for Composition-Based Quantum Circuit Design:
In this pre-print they propose a composition-oriented modelling language for creating quantum circuits together with
a modelling framework which (i) allows for a flexible and convenient definition and application of composite
operations including iterative patterns, and (ii) provides automated code generation. Besides that, the proposed
approach also comes with a separation between the quantum circuit syntax and the definitions of the quantum
operations which allows to build and use customized libraries.
The proposed approach comes with the separation of the quantum operation definitions, from the quantum circuit
The meta-model for the quantum circuit design.
A description of the quantum library which comprises the bespoke definitions of quantum operations.
Information on certain implemented quantum operations.
An extension for classical problem-specific inputs for operation definitions.
Finally, the authors show how quantum circuits can be represented using the proposed framework with a
simple example.
10. (2022) [24] Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Systems A Systematic Review:
The objective of this review is to complement Software Engineering based studies and specifically focus on
identification, classification, and synthesis of the published research on the role that software architecture plays in
developing quantum computing systems. It also introduces the connector as a concept (to link components). This can
be useful if we relate it to Quantum-Classical hybrid computing. This work has many good references and covers all
stages of quantum software development and quantum architectures.
Although it is not a specific work on modeling, we include this paper because it is a very complete review and has a
particular section that talks about modeling. It also has a section that discusses hybrid software architecture modeling
(traditional and quantum programming) and software architecture design patterns.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 292
It is important to mention that in modeling topics, the author Khan et al. refers to the same works that we analyze,
which are: [18], [13] [14]. We identified in this work some definitions and concepts related to modeling. Architectural
process and activities: An architecture design endeavour for the quantum software requires an architecting process to
incorporate a number of architecting activities. Existing architectural process can be leveraged to support five
architecting activities for quantum software namely (i) architectural requirements, (ii) architectural modelling, (iii)
architectural implementation, (iv) architectural validation, and (v) architectural deployment.
Architectural modelling notations: Modelling notations to specify quantum software architectures primarily rely on
box and arrow notations (having component diagrams) and graph-based models (having state graph) to represent the
structures and behaviour of quantum software under design. Unlike conventional software architectures that mostly
exploit UML notations (often considered as a defacto approach for software design), there is much less evidence on
UML-based modelling quantum software architectures.
It appears that there is a need for architectural description languages and UML profiles that can be helpful to leverage
existing tools, frameworks, and architectural knowledge to empower the role of designers and architects to model,
develop, and evolve quantum software based on re-usability and (semi-) automation. Architecture design patterns:
Layered and pipe and filter patterns are identified as the most recurring quantum software architecture patterns.
However, these are generic or classical patterns that can be used to design any software system. To this end, further
research efforts are required to explore and propose new patterns to particularly focus on quantum computing attributes
(e.g., superposition and quantum entanglement) and facilitate the architecture of quantum software systems.
As said the paper is a good starting point to find references to other primary works that focus on different topics related
to Quantum Software design and Quantum Architectures.
11. (2023) [25] Model-Driven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT:
This paper presents how MDO approaches, in particular MOMoT framework, can be applied to the problem of
automated quantum program synthesis. They show how MOMoT can interact with quantum SDKs in order to provide
the quantum-specific functionalities. Compared to tailor-made solutions for quantum program synthesis, this enables
to use the features of existing MDO (Model Driven Optimization) frameworks.
12. (2023) [26] A Graph-Based Approach for Modelling Quantum Circuits:
This article proposes a unified metamodel for modelling quantum circuits, together with five strategies for its use and
some examples of its application. The article also provides a set of constraints (OCL) for using the identified strategies,
a set of procedures for transforming the models between the strategies, and an analysis of the suitability of each strategy
for performing common tasks in a model-driven quantum software development environment.
The metamodel extends the well-known metamodel of graphs (direct-acyclic graphs) to combine all the approaches
into a single modelling language.
This makes it possible to support different modelling strategies and the transformations that can be applied between
them based on the Node concept. In short, the Node provides the developer with the necessary flexibility to decide
whether she/he wants to model the quantum circuit using only the gates that operate on a qubit, or to group in a Node
all the gates that model a controlled gate, or in the most extreme case, all the gates that appear in a particular vertical
section of the circuit.
They also provide a deep study of the metamodel by (i) providing OCL constraints that check whether models are
valid, (ii) providing OCL query functions to identify the modelling strategy employed by a model, (iii) outlining model-
to-model transformations between the strategies, (iv) outlining a model transformation to reduce the number of
modelling elements required to model a quantum circuit, and (v) providing an OCL query function to identify whether
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 293
said transformation has been applied to a model.
13. (2023) [27] A Taxonomic View of the Fundamental Concepts of Quantum ComputingA Software Engineering
In the paper, the authors present a kind of taxonomical view of the fundamental concepts of quantum computing and
the derived concepts that integrate the emerging discipline of quantum software engineering. The objective of this
review only intends to detect the fundamental concepts of quantum computing and quantum software as an starting
point to address the study of this discipline. The paper introduces the concepts of quantum computing and builds an
interesting body of Knowledge (BOK).
It then discusses different related works with a special section on Teaching Quantum Computing.
The results of the quasi-systematic review are expressed in a set of informal taxonomies and relationships between
concepts. However, as the authors indicate, the taxonomy is a useful starting point to see what is being done in software
engineering and quantum computing.
14. (2023) [28] Formalization of Quantum Intermediate Representations for Code Safety:
This work proposes the formal definition of a generic reusable compilation tool (qIRs, intermediate representations)
based on LLVM and applicable on different frontend languages and back-end hardware platforms. It formally defines
syntax and semantics and an intermediate code conversion.
15. (2023) [29] ScaffML: A Quantum Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Scaffold:
This paper proposes the use of a behavioral interface specification language (BISL) called ScaffML for the quantum
programming language Scaffold to specify behavior and interface of programs, modules, prepostconditions and
16. (2024) [30] SimuQ: A Framework for Programming Quantum Hamiltonian Simulation with Analog Compilation:
Development and implementation of a domain-specific language (SimuQ) for cross-platform quantum Hamiltonian
simulation and compilation. Design and implement a Hamiltonian modelling language, an abstract instruction set and
a compiler for quantum simulation with an intermediate representation and compilation phase. They apply ad-hoc
optimization strategies for each specific platform based on the analysis of these Hamiltonians, which makes it possible
to bring the simulated performance closer to the real performance on that platform. SimuQ generates executable pulse
schedules for real devices to simulate the evolution of desired quantum systems, which is demonstrated on
superconducting (IBM), neutral-atom (QuEra), and trapped-ion (IonQ) quantum devices.
3. Discussion. -
3.1. Quantum design efforts. - Within this section, we embark on a classification of the papers based on the design
strategies they employ in the realm of quantum software modelling. By categorizing the papers according to their
chosen design strategies, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the diverse methodologies
employed in the field, enabling them to glean insights and draw parallels across different research endeavors. This
classification not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the landscape of quantum software modelling but also lays
the groundwork for future exploration and innovation in this rapidly evolving domain.
Math Oriented: [26] It represents the quantum circuit in a graph and through a metamodel transforms the graph
into other analogous representations that may be more efficient.
In [23] propose to use Density Matrix to Map Classical and Quantum Computing
Mapping Techniques: Bandic et al. [31] propose a mapping technique based on a structured design for space
exploration strategy.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 294
Workflow Oriented: Weder et al. [19] propose QuantMe as a generic extension for imperative workflow
modelling languages.
Ali and Yue [32] present guidelines for developing quantum software modelling languages and provide a
conceptual model of quantum programs as well as an example of modelling based on state machines.
Optimization, Transformation and Mappings: The work [28] formalizes the functionality of the Quantum
Intermediate Representation while respecting the non-cloning theorem and avoid calls to released qubits and
The paper [29] presents ScaffML that provides an easy-to-use specification language for quantum programmers,
supporting static analysis, run-time checking, and formal verification of Scaffold programs.
Conceptual Models: Dave Wecker, Krysta M. Svore [33] LIQUi: A Software Design Architecture and Domain-
Specific Language for Quantum Computing [17] proposes to deepen the study of three lines of quantum software
engineering: Models, Architectures and Properties. [27] Introduces the main concepts of quantum computing and
classifies them. Presents a useful taxonomy to introduce the subject.
Perez Delgado and Perez-Gonzalez in [14] extend UML class diagram to model quantum characteristics in a class
design. Then Perez Castillo et. all in [15] Propose a QUML profile (UML extension) for modelling quantum
elements together with classical elements.
The paper [22] is the result of previous papers [21] and [25] by the same author, which work with model-driven
methods to produce quantum software. The papers propose modeling languages and transformers that allow the
construction of quantum-specific functionalities. The work [20] propose on model-based engineering of quantum
programs and assert that they must be platform independent.
3.2. Modelling and Lifecycle. - We will now analyze the works compiled in the previous sections and place them in
the different stages identified by the work of Benjamin Weder, Johanna Barzen, Frank Leymann, and Daniel Vietz in
chapter 4 of the book Quantum Software Engineering. Software Engineering by Manuel A. Serrano, Ricardo Perez-
Castillo, and Mario Piattini. [34].
1. (2019) [13] Towards a Pattern Language for Quantum
This paper presents a pattern language that mainly addresses the Modelling stage of quantum applications. The work
is very interesting in terms of teaching and explaining the concepts. It can also be the basis for a broader pattern
language covering aspects of Error Mitigation and deployment. It opens up a wide spectrum of areas to be expressed
in Patterns and Pattern Language format.
2. (2020) [14] Towards a Quantum Software Modeling Language, (2022) [15] Design of classical-quantum systems
with UML also in [16] Chapter 6; A quantum software modeling language Perez-Delgado’s work [14] presented in
chapter 6 of the book [16]: All these works contribute mainly to the stages of Requirements Analysis” and
”Architecture & Design”. Its major contribution is to propose a profile of UML which is the most widely used
modelling language in traditional software development. The profile allows developers to build hybrid Quantum-
Classical designs from different classical UML diagrams. For example, they extended not only static diagrams (Use
Cases, Class Diagrams) but also dynamic diagrams such as (Activity and Sequence Diagrams).
They can also be considered as a contribution to the ”Quantum-Classical Splitting” stage, as the link between classical
and quantum circuit designs can be worked out. And they also support the ”Deployment” stage by extending the UML
deployment diagrams. On quantum circuit programming, they help to write what one already knows. They do not
provide other perspectives on quantum programming. Other design alternatives may be required to model specific
issues in quantum circuits.
A positive aspect is that developers can import the UML diagrams and continue with the design of quantum aspects in
it. Many of the known tools for UML could be used to support working with the diagrams (visualization, printing,
etc.). Among the possible tools are those that transform UML into code. This would allow to get implementations from
the designs which gives many advantages to generate code from the designs. It definitely integrates aspects of classical
computing with some quantum aspects.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 295
3. (2020) [17] Software engineering for ’quantum advantage’:
It does not apply to any of the Perez-Delgado life cycle stages. It is an initial work that proposes the monads pattern to
model the semantics of (classical-quantum) hybrid components that appear in the systems. This position paper argues
for the need for a proper quantum software engineering discipline benefiting from precise foundations and calculi,
capable of supporting algorithm development and analysis.
4. (2020) [18] Selection of quantum computing architecture using a decision tree approach:
This paper helps the decision-making process in choosing the right software architecture based on the type of the
quantum project (Quantum annealing, Quantum Simulation and Universal Quantum Computing). It can be useful in
the Requirements Analysis stage.
5. (2020) [19] Integrating quantum computing into workflow modeling and execution:
This work introduced the Quantum modelling Extension (QUANTME) to model quantum circuit invocations in
workflows to ease their orchestration with classical applications and showed how to ensure the executability on
different workflow engines. It is one of the few works that covers the Observability and Analysis stages. Another
important aspect is that it has specific constructors to model the pre-processing and post-processing tasks (Readout
Error Mitigation). It also proposes a ”Quantum Software Lifecycle”.
6. (2020) [20] Modeling Quantum programs: Challenges, initial results, and research directions:
The metamodel and the example is a bit simple compared to other analyzed works. It focuses on the stages of
Requirements Analysis.
7. (2021) [21] Towards Model-Driven Quantum Software Engineering:
The approach of this work is applicable to several stages of the life cycle because it is based on MDE. Among them
Requirements Analysis”, ”Architecture & Design” since from the models it is possible to obtain designs or codes to
be applied to other stages of the life cycle.
8. (2021) [23] Quantum Software Models: The Density Matrix for Classical and Quantum Software Systems Design:
The work proposes a design procedure that aligns classical and quantum software through Density Matrix. The main
contribution is to have a mathematical model that covers both Classical Software Systems and Quantum Systems. This
proposal contributes to the Quantum-Classical Splitting stage and to propose a mapping between the two models.
Future research could apply this mathematical model to transform systems between Quantum and Classical.
9. (2022) [22] A Model-Driven Framework for Composition-Based Quantum Circuit Design:
The paper presents a metamodel of quantum circuits containing as main classes are layer, Quantum-Circuit, Quantum-
Operation and Composite-Quantum-Operation that allows to compose elements in a layer. It also shows a Meta-model
for quantum library, which describes how a quantum operation is defined, for an arbitrary or fixed number of qubits.
This is very useful in terms of reusability because the defined operation is independent of the number of qubits it should
act on. What is innovative about this approach is the composition-oriented modelling language capability that works
at a high level of abstraction while hiding low-level implementation details. Another valuable addition is the generation
of code from designs, which promises to reduce the development effort compared to existing tools. This applies to the
stages of Requirements Analysis and Quantum-Classical Splitting, Implementation and even Deployment.
Finally, the application of MDE concepts also suggests the use of well-known model-based transformation tools for
quantum circuit transformations to different representations.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 296
10. (2022) [24] Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Systems A Systematic Review:
This systematic review facilitates researchers and technologists to develop new hypotheses, find references and
propose architecture-centric frameworks for a new generation of quantum software. It can be the basis for future
research and classifies and orders many of the works analyzed in this review.
Another interesting aspect of the paper is that it provides an ”Overview of quantum architecting process and its
activities” map that can be useful when modelling the architecture of a quantum system. The paper takes a global view
of quantum systems so it cannot be placed in one of the stages of Perez Delgado’s work in particular. However, it has
many references to very useful primary works to deepen in some of the topics of quantum software design and quantum
architectures design. This paper contributes to the Architecture & Design and Quantum-Classical Splitting stages.
11. (2023) [25] Model-Driven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT:
In the same way as the previous works of the same authors, this can be used in several stages. In particular in this work
that addresses the issue of model-driven optimization could be applied in the stages of Implementation and Testing to
evaluate alternative quantum circuits.
12. (2023) [26] A Graph-Based Approach for Modelling Quantum Circuits:
This work mainly contributes to the Implementation stage as it presents different ways of conceptualizing a quantum
circuit. The proposal allows a transformation between circuit representations. It can also contribute to the Observability
stage as it points to the measurement-based quantum computation model, where the program is represented as a graph
of entangled qubits and measurement operations. Having a Metamodel can also be the basis for possible Model-to-
code transformations.
13. (2023) [27] A Taxonomic View of the Fundamental Concepts of Quantum ComputingA Software Engineering
This work mainly provides a (BOK) body of knowledge on the main concepts involved in Quantum computing. This
helps with the Requirement and Analysis stage of a project involving quantum programming. On the other hand, it is
an interesting work for students and teachers to use as a starting point for understanding quantum computing.
14. (2023) [28] Formalization of Quantum Intermediate Representations for Code Safety:
This paper contributes to the formalism and portability of some QIR operations which detects insecure code in
programs. This approach is applicable on Requirements Analysis (portability) and Testing (automatic verification)
15. (2023) [29] ScaffML: A Quantum Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Scaffold:
The approach of this work applicable on specification stages Requirements Analysis and validation of software in
debugging and Testing.
16. (2024) [30] SimuQ: A Framework for Programming Quantum Hamiltonian Simulation with Analog Compilation:
In this work, ad-hoc optimization strategies are applied for each specific platform. This is useful in the stages of
Observability and Analysis of the results of the executions.
4. Conclusion. - Quantum systems are emerging as an innovative frontier in computing, promising to revolutionize
the way we process information and tackle complex computational problems. As we move into an era where computing
power is a critical resource, the application of quantum principles in software development becomes increasingly
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 297
crucial. These advances not only broaden our perspectives on what is possible in computing, but also pose exciting
challenges in terms of quantum software design, implementation, and optimization. In particular, the design of such
systems is a very new discipline and there are no consolidated techniques, tools or methodologies. In this work “An
annotated bibliography” on the design of Quantum applications was carried out. For this purpose, different works that
deal with this topic were reviewed. For each reference we made a brief commentary and tried to answer - what it tries
to model (Design Effort) and - in which stage of the life cycle of the development of a quantum system. Most of the
papers are oriented towards Math Oriented and Conceptual Models. Regarding the latter, the works of Perez Delgado
(UML Profile) and Gemeinhardt, Felix et all. that aim to work with MDE techniques where they provide model-to-
code transformations stand out. This type of initiatives seems to us relevant to deepen the research. It can also be noted
that most of the work is focused on the stages of Requirements Analysis, Quantum-Classical Splitting, Design and
Implementation. There is a deficit in the stages of Analysis of results and Observability. The latter are less common in
traditional developments.
Continuing the current research trajectory opens two promising avenues. Firstly, conducting a Systematic Literature
Review (SLR) would formalize research questions, survey relevant papers, and synthesize results, providing a
comprehensive overview of the existing literature in quantum software modelling. Secondly, identifying and analyzing
existing gaps within the discipline and proposing innovative solutions would involve a thorough examination of the
current state-of-theart, pinpointing areas lacking understanding, methodologies, or tools. This proactive approach
would foster innovation and ensure that quantum software modelling remains at the forefront of scientific and
technological advancements.
L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 298
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L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, O. Pastor
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería, núm. 27 (2024). pp. 285-301
ISSN 2301-1092 ISSN (en línea) 2301-1106 Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay 301
Author contribution:
1. Conception and design of the study
2. Data acquisition
3. Data analysis
4. Discussion of the results
5. Writing of the manuscript
6. Approval of the last version of the manuscript
LMB has contributed to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
AF has contributed to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
JMS has contributed to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
OP has contributed to: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Acceptance Note: This article was approved by the journal editors Dr. Rafael Sotelo and Mag. Ing. Fernando A.
Hernández Gobertti.