Reflections on validity in Global Administrative Law in light of H.L.A. Hart's concept of the rule of recognition




Global Administrative Law, Validity, Legal system, Theory of law, H.L.A.Hart


The purpose of this paper is to analyze H.L.A. Hart’s concept of validity, developed in “The Concept of Law”, applied to the developments of authors Kingsbury, Krisch and Stewart on Global Administrative Law. Thus, try to arrive at certain conclusions regarding the validity of the norms attributed to it, emphasizing on the concept of the ultimate rule of recognition, and its existence as a legal system.


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How to Cite

Franco Suárez, A. M. (2024). Reflections on validity in Global Administrative Law in light of H.L.A. Hart’s concept of the rule of recognition. Revista De Derecho, 23(46), e468.



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