The importance of a human approach to people management during a pandemic




People management, Business organization, Company, Pandemic, People


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted societies causing important and unthinkable changes in our daily lives.

The need to adapt to this new reality has been an inevitable situation, gradual and in some cases abrupt. During these challenging times, the workplace and the business world have particularly been stages for significant changes.

In this context, businesses are in need of exploring new ways of functioning and organizing themselves. As a result, companies have had to constantly change structurally. The key for overcoming, managing and mitigating a crisis situation and its negative impacts is by having a good and human approach to people management in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Dell’Acqua, G., & Spagnolo, F. (2021). The importance of a human approach to people management during a pandemic. Revista De Derecho, 20(39), 75–93.


