Of the conversion of the community into a society





Community, Company, Tacit conversion, Tacit


The various forms of community may include all types of assets, including a commercial or agricultural company and the respective establishments.All these, in principle, will remain in community and will be governed by the rules that correspond to the respective community, of liquidation, distribution or even of mere enjoyment. However, these forms may lead to associative, and particularly corporate, forms of association. In the absence of an express will of the co-proprietors, determining when the community has already been tacitly or partially transformed into a company is the subject of this essay.


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How to Cite

Anido Bonilla, R. (2021). Of the conversion of the community into a society. Revista De Derecho, 20(39), p. 15–35. https://doi.org/10.47274/DERUM/39.2


