Ergonomic risks associated with musculoskeletal discomfort in remote work in teachers of the UGEL de Picota




Ergonomic risk, Musculoskeletal, Prevention, Pink method


Within our work environments there are many dangers and risks to our health, since millions of injuries related to non-fatal work occur annually, this study seeks to determine the association of Ergonomic Risk with musculoskeletal discomfort in remote work. In total there were 91 teachers who were evaluated using the pink and Nordic ergonomic method. The results show a statistically significant association, also in relation to the musculoskeletal discomfort of all the teachers evaluated, 61.5% have neck discomfort, 51.6% in the shoulder, 49.5% in the dorsal threshold, 53.8% elbow forearm, 74.7% hand wrist In the last month, on the other hand, in terms of the ergonomic evaluation by the Rosa method in chair and screen, there are teachers who are affected in all the aspects evaluated, placing themselves at a very high level of risk (53.8%), high level ( 44%) and low level (2.2%), which means that it is necessary to intervene to prevent health problems; Within this framework, it is concluded that there is musculoskeletal discomfort in 53 teachers and ergonomic risks in 49 teachers.


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How to Cite

W. Y. Cano Moreto, “Ergonomic risks associated with musculoskeletal discomfort in remote work in teachers of the UGEL de Picota”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 23, pp. 118–134, Dec. 2022.


