Modelling Quantum Software

An Annotated Bibliography




Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Computing, Quantum Modelling, Quantum Design


This annotated bibliography delves into the field of quantum computing, focusing specifically on the resources used throughout the software life cycle. It examines several published works that analyze quantum software modelling in the context of the various phases of the life cycle, from analysis/requirements to testing and maintenance. Each annotation provides an analysis of software engineering resources applicable to quantum software development and their applicability to different phases of the software development process. By synthesizing these diverse perspectives, this bibliography illuminates the evolving landscape of quantum software development and underscores the critical role of modelling in the context of software engineering. The result provides a valuable starting point for researchers and practitioners who wish to deepen the interplay between quantum computing and software engineering, fostering innovation and advances in this evolving field.


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B. Boehm W., “Software Engineering,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-25, pp. 1226–1241, 12 1976.

W. F. Bauer and A. M. Rosenberg, “Software,” in Proceedings of the December 5-7, 1972, fall joint computer conference, part II on - AFIPS ’72 (Fall, part II), (New York, New York, USA), p. 993, ACM Press, 1972.

A. G. Kleppe, J. B. Warmer, and W. Bast, MDA explained : the model driven architecture : practice and promise. Addison-Wesley, 2003.

S. J. Mellor, MDA distilled : principles of model-driven architecture. Addison-Wesley, 2004.

O. Pastor and J. C. Molina, “Model-driven architecture in practice: A software production environment based on conceptual modeling,” Model-Driven Architecture in Practice: A Software Production Environment Based on Conceptual Modeling, pp. 1–302, 2007.

M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 10th Anniversary Edition,” Cambridge University Press, 2010.

E. Rieffel and W. Polak, “Quantum computing : a gentle introduction,” p. 372, 2011.

M. J. Everitt, M. J. C. Henshaw, and V. M. Dwyer, “Quantum Systems Engineering: A structured approach to accelerating the development of a quantum technology industry,” in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, vol. 2016-August, 2016.

S. P. Wang and E. Sakk, “Quantum algorithms: Overviews, foundations, and speedups,” 2021 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy, CSP 2021, pp. 17–21, 1 2021.

M. Piattini, G. Peterssen, R. Perez-Castillo, J. L. Hevia, M. A. Serrano, G. Hernandez, I. G. R. de Guzm´ an, C. A. Paradela, M. Polo, E. Murina,´ L. Jimenez, J. C. Marque´ no, R. Gallego, J. Tura, F. Phillipson, J. M.˜ Murillo, A. Nino, and M. Rodr˜ ´ıguez, “The Talavera manifesto for quantum software engineering and programming,” in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2561, 2020.

B. Kitchenham and O. Brereton, “Systematic literature reviews in software engineering–a systematic literature review,” Elsevier, 2009.

C. Pons, R. S. Giandini, and G. Perez,´ Desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP) / McGraw-Hill Educacion, 2010.´

F. Leymann, “Towards a Pattern Language for Quantum Algorithms,” 6 2019.

C. A. Perez-Delgado and H. G. Perez-Gonzalez, “Towards a Quantum´ Software Modeling Language,” Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020, pp. 442–444, 6 2020.

R. Perez-Castillo and M. Piattini, “Design of classical-quantum systems´ with UML,” Computing, vol. 104, pp. 2375–2403, 11 2022.

M. A. Serrano, R. Perez-Castillo, and M. Piattini,´ Quantum Software Engineering. 2022.

L. S. Barbosa, “Software engineering for ’quantum advantage’,” Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020, vol. 3, pp. 427–429, 6 2020.

L. Nallamothula, “Selection of quantum computing architecture using a decision tree approach,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020, pp. 644–649, 12 2020.

B. Weder, U. Breitenbucher, F. Leymann, and K. Wild, “Integrating quantum computing into workflow modeling and execution,” Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 13th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2020, pp. 279–291, 12 2020.

S. Ali and T. Yue, “Modeling Quantum programs: Challenges, initial results, and research directions,” APEQS 2020 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Architectures and Paradigms for Engineering Quantum Software, Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2020, pp. 14–21, 11 2020.

F. Gemeinhardt, A. Garmendia, and M. Wimmer, “Towards ModelDriven Quantum Software Engineering,” in Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering, Q-SE 2021, 2021.

F. Gemeinhardt, A. Garmend´ıa, M. Wimmer, and R. Wille, “A ModelDriven Framework for Composition-Based Quantum Circuit Design,”

I. Exman and A. T. Shmilovich, “Quantum Software Models: The Density Matrix for Classical and Quantum Software Systems Design,” Proceedings - 2021 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering, Q-SE 2021, pp. 1–6, 3 2021.

A. A. Khan, A. Ahmad, M. Waseem, P. Liang, M. Fahmideh, T. Mikkonen, and P. Abrahamsson, “Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Systems – A Systematic Review,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 201, 2 2022.

F. Gemeinhardt, M. Eisenberg, S. Klikovits, and M. Wimmer, “ModelDriven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT,” in Proceedings - 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C 2023, 2023.

D. Alonso, P. Sanchez, and B.´ Alvarez, “A Graph-Based Approach for´ Modelling Quantum Circuits,” Applied Sciences 2023, Vol. 13, Page 11794, vol. 13, p. 11794, 10 2023.

R. Juarez-Ram´ ´ırez, C. X. Navarro, S. Jimenez, A. Ramırez, V. TapiaIbarra, C. Guerra-Garc´ıa, H. G. Perez-Gonzalez, and C. Fernandez-y´ Fernandez, “A Taxonomic View of the Fundamental Concepts of Quan-´ tum Computing–A Software Engineering Perspective,” Programming and Computer Software, vol. 49, pp. 682–704, 12 2023.

J. Luo and J. Zhao, “Formalization of Quantum Intermediate Representations for Code Safety,” 2023.

T. Jin and J. Zhao, “ScaffML: A Quantum Behavioral Interface Specification Language for Scaffold,” in Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software, QSW 2023, 2023.

Y. Peng, J. Young, P. Liu, and X. Wu, “SimuQ: A Framework for Programming Quantum Hamiltonian Simulation with Analog Compilation,” Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, vol. 8, 2024.

M. Bandic, H. Zarein, E. Alarcon, and C. G. Almudever, “On Structured Design Space Exploration for Mapping of Quantum Algorithms,” 2020 35th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2020, 11 2020.

X. Zhou, S. Li, and Y. Feng, “Quantum Circuit Transformation Based on Simulated Annealing and Heuristic Search,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 39, pp. 4683–4694, 8 2019.

D. Wecker and K. M. Svore, “LIQUi—¿: A Software Design Architecture and Domain-Specific Language for Quantum Computing,” 2 2014.

C. A. Perez-Delgado, “A quantum software modeling language,”´ Quantum Software Engineering, pp. 103–119, 10 2022.



How to Cite

L. M. Bibbo, A. Fernandez, J. M. Suarez, and O. Pastor, “Modelling Quantum Software: An Annotated Bibliography”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 27, pp. 285–301, Dec. 2024.



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