A Survey on the integration between WSN and TCP/IP networks


  • Lucas Iacono Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina
  • Pablo Godoy Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina
  • Osvaldo Marianetti Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina
  • Carlos García Garino Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina
  • Cristina Párraga Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina


WSN, Gateway, Overlay Networks, TCP/IP, ZigBee


Wireless sensor networks (WSN), are a useful technological tool to collect information of the environment. These networks have hardware platforms with limited computational, memory and energy resources. As a result, the WSN work with protocols specially designed to run on these hardware platforms (IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee, etc.) and generally these are not compatible with the TCP/IP stack protocols. In order to present the data collected by WSN to user through TCP/IP networks (e.g. Internet), different hardware and software techniques must be implemented. This paper presents a survey on different approaches made to integrate WSN to TCP/IP networks.


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How to Cite

L. Iacono, P. Godoy, O. Marianetti, C. García Garino, and C. Párraga, “A Survey on the integration between WSN and TCP/IP networks”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 10, pp. 57–68, Oct. 2012.


