hybrid virtual PBX solution with automatic cloud provisioning





Cloud Computing, Continues deployment (CD), Telephony -PBX, SDN


Although telephony over IP protocol has more than a decade among us, the ubiquity of the Internet, new open hardware technologies, free software and cloud platforms invite us to rethink a solution in this new context. As such a solution is proposed in this project to RITI, made up of a small team to be installed in customer premises and an automatic provisioning system and telephone switching in the cloud. The main challenge for obtaining such a product was the large number of hardware and software components to be integrated, passing points as diverse as a Raspberry with its Grandstream interface adapter, Asterisk with its trunk and protocol contexts, platforms such as AWS and Docker. It is important to highlight that the stated objectives were achieved, obtaining a functional, resilient and scalable solution where complexity is centralized in the components hosted in the cloud. In this way, the benefits of virtualization and consolidation in the cloud have been extended to telephony in recent years. Finally, all the software components of the system are either free open source projects, or original developments by the authors of the same.


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How to Cite

J. J. Behrend and G. Pouquette, “RITI: hybrid virtual PBX solution with automatic cloud provisioning”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 18, pp. 17–24, Jun. 2020.