Design and implementation of a safety program based on SBC behavior to reduce incidents and accidents in drilling and injection activities in the arranque dam, quellaveco mining Project




Fatal accident, Disabling accident, Risk control, Waterproofing grout, Linear regression


The investigation "design of a safety program based on SBC behavior to reduce inci-dents and accidents in drilling and injection activities in the starting dam, Quellaveco-Moquegua 2020 mining project”. The objective was to design a behavior-based safety program to reduce incidents and accidents in drilling and injection activities at the Quellaveco mining project, a contractor company SBP S.A.C. The methodology of this research work is of an applied technological type, I seek to reduce incidents and accidents by creating a safety program based on behavior, based on knowledge of mining engineering, psychology to apply in drilling activities and injection, having a quantitative approach. The results of the design and execution of the behavior-based safety (SBC) program show that it reduces incidents in drilling and injection activities and during the time of the investigation no accidents were reported. Finally, it is concluded that with the execution of the program the statistics of incidents were reduced, no accidents were reported, improved safety performance, and promoted awareness about safety and health, generating a new positive attitude on the part of workers.


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How to Cite

C. J. Barriga Paria and G. M. Puma Cruz, “Design and implementation of a safety program based on SBC behavior to reduce incidents and accidents in drilling and injection activities in the arranque dam, quellaveco mining Project”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 21, pp. 71–93, Dec. 2021.


