Instrument to measure the perception of the population with a segregation program at the source




Segregation, Perception, Measuring instrument


One of the main problems of the districts at the level of Peru is the inadequate management of solid waste, from which the importance of having adequate knowledge of the type of segregation of solid waste in households is considered, in this article The aim is to create a measurement instrument that is useful for evaluating the perception of the population towards the source segregation program. The instrument has a quantity of 27 items and it carried out a pilot test of the instrument being carried out in the city of Tarapoto in the jungle of Peru with a quantity of 50 participants, in which the average age of the participants was 23 years and the largest number of participants was female. The survey had as conclusions that the instrument developed in this research work, we observe that allows the municipality to see its errors and improve its management of the Segregation program at the source. Likewise, for this program to be successfully developed, it starts from the commitment of the population, this being the main objective of the instrument developed, to examine whether there is a positive response from the population regarding the program.


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Como Citar

S. García Tuanama, A. A. Núñez Vela, e B. T. Padilla Macedo, “Instrument to measure the perception of the population with a segregation program at the source”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), nº 21, p. 2–14, dez. 2021.


