The effectiveness and materiality of the right to education in light of Gonzales Lluy et al. V. Ecuador. Inter-American Court of Human Rights, ruling from September 1st, 2015




Human rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Right to education


The following paper analyses the effectiveness and materiality of the right to education in the Inter-American Human Rights System, based on the case of Gonzales Lluy et al. v. Ecuador, ruled by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In that case, a five-year-old girl received a blood transfusion from which she contracted the HIV/AIDS virus, which prevented her from exercising her right to access to a public school like other children of her age. The paper analyses the rights at stake and how to harmonise them.


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How to Cite

Collazo Olano, M. D. (2020). The effectiveness and materiality of the right to education in light of Gonzales Lluy et al. V. Ecuador. Inter-American Court of Human Rights, ruling from September 1st, 2015. Revista De Derecho, 19(38), 247–260.



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