Atmospheric pressure and the protagonist of the perception change




Barometer, Air weight, Atmospheric pressure, Vacuum


The present work exposes a chapter within the history of science in which the scientific personalities involved are mentioned, and the relationships and scenarios in which the evolution of various aspects related to atmospheric pressure took place are described. The main conceptions about the void from Ancient Greece are shown. In addition, the practical situation that gave rise to the questioning of the established precepts is reflected, as well as the experiments carried out that gave rise to the current conceptions about the weight of air, atmospheric pressure and vacuum. The scientific methods that had the most influence at each stage are also appreciated. Finally, it is concluded how collective and continuous work has been key to scientific progress.


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How to Cite

R. Torres Hugues and Y. Ymas Dávila, “Atmospheric pressure and the protagonist of the perception change”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 23, pp. 106–117, Dec. 2022.


