Indoor carbon dioxide and COVID-19

assessment of air quality and its relationship with ventilation, temperature and humidity




Carbon dioxide, Ventilation, Temperature, RH, Prevention, COVID-19


Indoor air quality is a crucial factor for people's health and well-being, since 90% of many people spend time indoors. The objective of this research was to verify the correlation of carbon dioxide with various study variables. To obtain the concentrations, a direct reading measuring equipment was used and monitoring was carried out for two months (September and October 2021). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied because the data did not follow a normal distribution, and Spearman's correlation was used, the results indicated a (Rho= -0.584; Sig. (bilateral)=0.00< p=0 0.05), which shows that there is a negative moderate inverse significant correlation between CO2 and ventilation, with respect to carbon dioxide and humidity, has a Spearman coefficient (Rho= -0.180; Sig. (bilateral)=0.315< p=0.05), so there is a very weak inverse negative correlation, in the same way a Spearman coefficient is observed (Rho= 0.130; Sig. (bilateral)=0.470< p=0.05, In conclusion, it is showed a moderate negative correlation between carbon dioxide and ventilation, which means that the higher the concentration of carbon dioxide, the lower the ventilation.Therefore, it is important that windows exist in work environments to ensure adequate ventilation. and create a healthy environment that does not harm people's health and reduces the risk of contagion of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

F. J. Quispe Gutierrez, M. N. Retis Sanchez, and J. E. Perez Carpio, “Indoor carbon dioxide and COVID-19: assessment of air quality and its relationship with ventilation, temperature and humidity”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 25, pp. 2–12, Dec. 2023.


