Design of a control system for the treatment of cooling water from a sulfur former




Control system, Sulfur former, Simulation


The design of a control system for the treatment of cooling water of a sulfur former in a crude oil upgrader is presented, to maintain the conductivity of the cooling water in established ranges, and in this way avoid the accumulation of minerals in the pipes which deteriorates the cooling system. In the development, the physicochemical properties to be controlled were determined, such as conductivity, its biological agents and the dissolved solids (TDS) present in the water, treating the conductivity through controlled purges and the microorganisms and TDS through the dosage of chemical products. Also, the conductivity and chemical dosing control system was designed using a Programmable Logic Controller, the different components such as sensors, pumps, valves, level meter and conductivity meter were selected and subsequently the control system was validated through simulation of the process within the LOGO SOFT comfort software. The results demonstrated the correct on and off operation of the pumps and valves, and it was concluded that the design is capable of keeping all the parameters controlled in the event of any change in the input variables.


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How to Cite

U. Campos and Y. González-Rondón, “Design of a control system for the treatment of cooling water from a sulfur former”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 26, pp. 70–84, Jul. 2024.


