Security in Virtual Education Environments


  • Hernán Santiso Universidad Blas Pascal, Argentina
  • Juan Matias Koller Universidad Blas Pascal, Argentina
  • Mauricio Gabriel Bisaro Universidad Blas Pascal, Argentina


TICs in Education, Information Security, Virtual Learning Platforms


Over the last years it have been incorporating in the virtual education environments different types of information technologies and communications (ICT), up to become it in essential tools to support the teaching and learning process. As consequence of that, these environments have been exposed to new technological risks, which if they are not identified and mitigated appropriately, could affect the security of educational platforms. The goal of the project was to define a framework to manage information technology risks in virtual education environments which ensure the protection of systems and information involved in educational processes over the Internet. In order to accomplish this objective we have made a survey to know the most important risks associated with virtual educational platforms, and after that, we have defined a set of controls associated to these risks, which finally composes the framework of management. Lastly were have developed two technical models to implement information security technologies in virtual education platforms. These are UTM (Unified Threat Management) for the security of network protocols and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) to improve the authentication to the platforms.


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How to Cite

H. Santiso, J. M. Koller, and M. G. Bisaro, “Security in Virtual Education Environments”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 14, pp. 67–88, Dec. 2016.


