Comparison of optimal bandwidths for some density estimators


  • Mathias Bourel Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay


Density Estimation, Histogram, Kernel Density Estimation


Density estimation is a classic problem and has been extensively studied in Statistics. In this paper we briefly review some usual density estimators as the histogram, the Averaged Shifted Histograms (ASH) and the kernel density estimator (Kde). We care in particular on the choice of the bandwidth of Kde which is a fundamental parameter of the model and greatly influences the prediction. We finished our work with a simulation comparing the described methods on a common set of densities.


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How to Cite

M. Bourel, “Comparison of optimal bandwidths for some density estimators”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 11, pp. 59–74, Dec. 2013.


