Seismic Risk Analysis at the Camiña Dam


  • Jorge E. Crempien Laborie Universidad de los Andes, Chile
  • Jorge G. Crempien de la Carrera Universidad de California, Estados Unidos
  • Carlos Tagle Brahm Universidad de los Andes, Chile


Earthquake Loading, Seismicity, Design Spectrum, Seismic Risk


In this work it is presented a methodology for the evaluation of seismic risk in big civil works is presented. These type of constructions because of its structural type and its employment do not conform with current normative which in general are issued for buildings. This special works of infrastructure, like dams, power plants, bridges, etc. because of its cost and also because of the implications of their collapse require that the study of the seismic risk be a crucial issue in the basic engineering of their planning. In this way the level of seismic solicitation as well as the level of the seismic exposure is well defined.


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How to Cite

J. E. Crempien Laborie, J. G. Crempien de la Carrera, and C. Tagle Brahm, “Seismic Risk Analysis at the Camiña Dam”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 11, pp. 97–109, Dec. 2013.


