Model aggregation methods and applications


  • Mathias Bourel Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay


Model Aggregation, Boosting; Bagging, Random Forest, Stacking


Aggregation methods in machine learning models combine several assumptions made on the same dataset in order to obtain a predictive model with higher accuracy. They have been extensively studied and have led to numerous experimental and theoretical works in various contexts: classification, regression, unsupervised learning, etc. The aim of this work is in a first time reviewing several known models of aggregation and then compares their performances over two applications. The first is for making predictions on different databases, particularly in multiclass problems, and the second to use them in the context of estimating the density of a random variable.


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How to Cite

M. Bourel, “Model aggregation methods and applications”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 10, pp. 19–32, Oct. 2012.


