The use of minors' images and social networks




Minors, Image use, Social media, Privacy, Honor


Over the past years, the world has suffered a radical transformation of the existing means of communication, especially due to the appearance of social media. This has change, not only the way of communication between people, but also the way in which publicity is done, emerging a new figure usually known as “influencers”. What was done before by classical means (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) is now also done through social media. In this context (and also contexts in which no publicity is done) the image of under-aged people are used in social media, what derives in an exposition that may violate their privacy and honor, even when this is done by their parents. In this way, it is relevant to review in which position are these under-aged in regard to their rights for the “excessive” use of their image and details of their private lives, by their parents.


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How to Cite

Martínez Maruri, E. M. (2022). The use of minors’ images and social networks. Revista De Derecho, 21(42), 87–104.




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