
the counteraction vis-à-vis strikes. Brief analysis of legal provisions, scholars’ opinions and case-law on lockouts and strikes in the Uruguayan and foreign legal systems





Lockout, Temporary business closure by employers, Typical strike, Atypical strike


The purpose of this paper is to explain and compare the lockout and the strike both in the Uruguayan legal system and in foreign jurisdictions. A brief historical background that contextualizes the lockout is included. Fundamental aspects regarding both are also analyzed, including their concepts, purpose, basis, and regulation in the Uruguayan legal system, modalities and effects, as well as their respective reception by legal scholars and courts.


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How to Cite

Carlevaro D´Alessandro, C. (2023). Lockout: the counteraction vis-à-vis strikes. Brief analysis of legal provisions, scholars’ opinions and case-law on lockouts and strikes in the Uruguayan and foreign legal systems. Revista De Derecho, 22(44), 241–258. https://doi.org/10.47274/DERUM/44.10



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