Ley 19.636

la nueva ley de arbitraje comercial internacional en Uruguay



Arbitration, UNCITRAL Model Law, International Private Law, Procedural Law


2018 was a key year for the development of arbitration in Uruguay. Joining the path of over 80 jurisdictions, Uruguay sanctioned a modified version of the CNUDMI Model Law. In this way, it created a specific and adequate regime for the resolution of international commercial conflicts. In this paper, we analyze the differences between the new International Commercial Arbitration Law (“Law 19.636” or “International Arbitration Law”), and the CNUDMI Model Law (“LMU”) on which it was based.


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How to Cite

Verdias Mezzera, M., & Garino Podestá, J. (2018). Ley 19.636: la nueva ley de arbitraje comercial internacional en Uruguay. Revista De Derecho, 17(34), 67–78. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.edu.uy/index.php/revistaderecho/article/view/416




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