Abiotic stress in neotropical climate influences pigment production, antioxidant capacity and expression of physiological disorders in apples
Sunburn, Sunscald, Granny Smith, Spectroradiometry, Hydric potentialAbstract
Apples produced in neotropical climates show damage associated with abiotic stresses that reduce the sustainability of the crop. The development of new production areas and climate change increase the interest in studying the behavior of the fruit under different conditions. The objectives of the present work were to determine limiting factors, evaluate physiological responses, analyze the potential for predicting disorders, and evaluate abiotic stress management strategies. A high variability of predisposing conditions and damage development was recorded, with water availability in the soil being the condition most related to sunburn. Treatments reduced damage levels and modified xylem potential. The applications of protectants did not reduce the incidence of sunburn, but the use of netting reduced both sunburn and scald without affecting net assimilation-dependent growth processes. Differences in water potential between fruit sides, proline concentration and PSRI480 spectroradiometry index presented the best predictive characteristics, suggesting to focus research on system water balance and physiological indicators of osmotic stress as a way to predict damage.
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