Comparative analysis between the displacement-based method (MBD) and the force-based method (MBF) applied to a dual 5-story building




Drifts, Dual system, Seismic design, Severe earthquake, Displacement, Forces


This research is addressed with the purpose of establishing control of the effects of greater drifts in buildings by applying seismic guidelines methods in accordance with parameters of the NTP E0.30, as a design strategy under the approach of the method based on displacements. The structure as a sample is a common building with a dual 5-story system that is located in the city of Arequipa, Cerro Colorado district. To document each structural change in the project, it is supported by the use of structural analysis software such as ETABS. . Using force-based seismic design methods as a base foundation and subsequently being evaluated using displacement-based seismic design methods that demonstrated good design engineering practices. This study focuses on the implementation of the new approach using modern seismic design methods proposed by Priestley et al., 2007 to evaluate specific buildings and compare them with leading standards. This level of work is purely theoretical in nature, the investigation of the proposed seismic design methods is carried out through the seismic design standards, permissible in the Peruvian standard precisely in the RNE, the main objective of this study is to achieve the expected results of the behavior of the buildings underground accelerations, the possible damage to the structure in case of severe earthquakes or design earthquakes were determined, as well as for the different earthquake levels, the maximum displacements of the structure were verified, and The contrasting conditions of the proposed delineation methods were identified.


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How to Cite

G. Zavala Cáceres and G. Villarreal Castro, “Comparative analysis between the displacement-based method (MBD) and the force-based method (MBF) applied to a dual 5-story building”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 27, pp. 3–45, Dec. 2024.


