Integration of Webots and Qiskit for experimentation with quantum circuits as robotic controllers




Cibernetics, Quantum computing, Quantum robotics


Currently, two areas of technological and economic importance have experienced significant and accelerated advances: robotics and computing. In the latter case, research into the quantum approach has been remarkable. In relation to robotics, the Webots robotic simulator has been used in the research and implementation of robots in real environments and allows the simulated system to be manipulated by controllers written in the Python programming language. This allows interaction with other environments and systems programmed in the same language. Within this premise, we have experimented with the implementation of robotic controllers using quantum circuits programmed in the Qiskit programming platform. All this has been carried out in the Webots simulation environment. Effects such as ideal random number generation from quantum events, entanglement and superposition provide possibilities for simulation, learning and research in both areas. In this paper we show an approach to these quantum controllers. The progress achieved and some possibilities for future work are presented.


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How to Cite

D. C. Luna-Márquez, “Integration of Webots and Qiskit for experimentation with quantum circuits as robotic controllers”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 27, pp. 302–312, Dec. 2024.



Papers presented at the 1st Latin American Workshop on Quantum Computing (TLISC 2024)