Considerations about the new United Nations convention on international agreements resulting from mediation (“Singapore Convention”)




Mediation, Singapore, Agreements, Conciliation, Arbitration


This article will analyze the reasons that justified the creation of the Singapore Convention and its positive consequences. In particular, it will address the nature of the agreements, their effects, the requirements for their validity, their enforceability, and the grounds for refusal of measures contained in the agreement. Furthermore, it will also assess the links with the New York Convention and the relationship between mediation agreements and State courts. Finally, it will conclude highlighting the impact that the instrument may have at the global level, and its possible repercussions in the field of alternative dispute resolution methods.


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How to Cite

Tasende Iturvide, I. J. (2020). Considerations about the new United Nations convention on international agreements resulting from mediation (“Singapore Convention”). Revista De Derecho, 19(37), 71–91.


