Code of Ethics

Revista de Derecho is a peer-reviewed publication under the double-blind evaluation system. Revista de Derecho considers that ethics in the editorial process is essential to maintain the quality and integrity of the papers that are the result of research. For this reason, it is governed by the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and developed these guidelines described below:

Authors' commitment:

Authors of articles published in Revista de Derecho agree to follow the following ethical guidelines:

Declaration of authorship and contribution

Articles submitted to the journal must be original, not be committed for another publication and their authors must be in full possession of the publication rights. The submission of the originals to the editor implies that the author(s) of the contributions assign to Revista de Derecho the reproduction rights of the accepted articles. In turn, the authors must expressly state the cases of co-authorship, as well as the cases in which the author received contributions, suggestions or comments from third parties.

Authors should mention the percentage of contribution of the research developed in the article.

The journal respects the alphabetical order in which authors appear in the publication.

Intellectual Property Rights

Revista de Derecho is a publication of the Law School of the Universidad de Montevideo. Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms: they retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of the work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Originality and veracity of data

The authors assure that the content of the submitted article is original and unpublished and that they are in full possession of the publication rights. The authors accept and sign the declaration of originality ( and undertake to send it to the journal's e-mail address ( ).

Furthermore, they confirm the veracity of the data presented in the article and that they have not been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted.


Plagiarism consists of using a phrase or idea of a person without acknowledging its authorship. Plagiarism, self-plagiarism (recycling of texts without attribution) and redundant (duplicate) publication are considered improper practices in a scientific publication.

Texts submitted to Revista de Derecho will be passed through the Turnitin plagiarism detection system in order to detect their originality. In case plagiarism is detected in the texts, either by using parts of a text or paraphrasing an idea, without mentioning the authorship, the author will be informed by e-mail.

Redundant (duplicate) publication is when the same article is published in two or more journals, with a different title, with a change in the order of authors or when citations are removed from articles of the original publication. Redundant publication is allowed when, in the edito´s judgment, it is minimal, for example, when the same method is used or a new analysis is made, and as long as the secondary text cites the original source.

When a redundant publication is detected, the editor will contact the author for clarification and, where appropriate, action.

Authors should be careful about excessive self-citation.

Adherence to the rules of citation and bibliographic references

Bibliographic sources, words, phrases or ideas of others should be cited according to the APA citation model used by the journal. Authors can see examples of how to make in-text citations and paraphrased citations in the Guidelines for Authors.

All images included in the text must have the corresponding permissions for their reproduction and distribution and the authorship and origin of the images must be cited.

Data access and retention

The authors undertake to provide the editorial board with the data on which the research is based, for the purposes of public access to them.

Conflict of interest and disclosure

Authors must indicate in the text any financial, personal, political, academic or other type of conflict of interest that may arise in the results or interpretation of the research.

Authors should also indicate in advance all sources of agency or project funding used for the research and expressly indicate -if applicable- the funding agency, and any other commercial, financial or private ties with persons or institutions that may have an interest in the proposed work.

Responsibility for content

The responsibility for the content of the texts published in Revista de Derecho lies exclusively in the authors. The journal does not necessarily assume the opinions expressed in the published works.

Protection of personal data

Authors should protect the confidentiality of individual information obtained in the course of research or professional interactions (e.g., between lawyers and clients). Therefore, it is almost always necessary to obtain the informed written consent of individuals who might recognize themselves or be identified by others in the publication of an article (e.g., from case reports or photographs). The author should note that consent to participate in research or undergo treatment is not the same as consent to publish personal data, images, or quotations.

Errors in published articles

Any error or inaccuracy found in a text after publication should be communicated by the authors to the editor for correction.

Deadline for corrections in submitted texts

Authors agree to accept and make the requested changes within a period of one month (30 calendar days), or to justify a partial discrepancy or withdraw the text.

Adherence to the terms of publication

For the publication of texts in Revista de Derecho, authors must follow the rules for the publication of originals established in the Guidelines for Authors and accept the editorial policies of the journal.

Commitment of the editors

The editor agrees to abide by the editorial policies of Revista de Derecho and the following guidelines:

Information for authors and reviewers

The editors undertake to make this Code of Ethics and the Guidelines for Authors known to authors and reviewers.

Promoting open access

The editors undertake to disseminate the content of the journal in an open manner, respecting the authorship and content of their articles.

Scientific quality content

The members of the editorial board and the technical secretariat are responsible for the scientific quality of the journal, so they must ensure compliance with the guidelines for authors, avoid bad publication practices and manage the edition of the papers received in a reasonable time.


The editorial team of the journal, together with the reviewers, have the obligation to keep the confidentiality of the texts received and their content until they are published. From that moment on, the texts and their authors may be disclosed.

Honesty and transparency

The editorial board and the technical secretariat must maintain impartiality in the administration of the papers submitted for publication and must respect the intellectual independence of the authors of those papers approved to enter the refereeing process.

Refereeing process

The editors undertake to guarantee impartiality and confidentiality in the peer review process.

The preliminary scientific evaluation of the papers to be published is carried out by a qualified Editorial Board composed of Professors from different disciplines who will also take into account that each of the papers is original and unpublished. To this end, they will avoid the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publication. Subsequently, the pre-selected papers are reviewed by external peers (using the double-blind system) who evaluate the papers received and make recommendations for their eventual publication. In case of discrepancies in the evaluations, the editors request a third opinion. Once the process is completed, the Editorial Board chooses the papers to be published in each section of the journal.

The editors will not disclose the identity of the reviewers, respecting the double-blind arbitration system of the journal.

The editors undertake to encourage reviewers to comment on ethical issues and possible research misconduct reflected in the texts, e.g., unethical research design, insufficient details on patient consent, inadequate manipulation and presentation of data.

Results of the opinion

The results obtained in the arbitration process are made known through the reviewers' report based on the journal's evaluation questionnaire. In all cases, the editor informs the author of the observations contained in the report.

Conflicts of interest

The editors undertake to resolve any conflicts of interest that may arise in the evaluation process of the papers received. They also undertake to require reviewers to disclose any possible competing interests before agreeing to review a text.

Editors may not use data, arguments, or interpretations contained in unpublished papers submitted to the journal for their own research, unless the author communicates his or her express written consent.

The content of reviewers' reports may not be used by the editors or by any other member of the editorial board.

Scientific responsibility

The name or names of the editors and or advisors will be reflected in the issues of the journal, at the end of each text.

Respect for time

The editors commit themselves to manage the edition of the papers received within a reasonable time.

The editors undertake to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Commitments of external reviewers

The reviewers of Revista de Derecho commit themselves to:

Contribution to the editorial decision

Reviewers are qualified specialists in the field who analyse texts submitted to the journal for possible publication. With their opinion they assist the editor in making a final decision in the editorial process.

In evaluating and assessing the papers received, reviewers maintain impartiality and respect the intellectual independence of the authors during the refereeing process.

The reviewers should perform their work with honesty and objectivity, following the evaluation form of the journal. In case that the reviewer detects plagiarism, self-plagiarism or redundant or duplicate publication, the editor should be informed immediately.

Conflicts of Interest

Reviewers must inform the editors in case of any competitive conflict of interest in relation to the text they are asked to evaluate.

Respect for review times

Reviewers have one month to prepare the report by completing the evaluation questionnaire and sending it to the journal's secretariat.

Communication of non-acceptance of review

The appointed reviewer who does not feel competent in the subject matter should decline the evaluation as soon as possible and communicate his decision to the secretariat. In this case, the editor should arrange for a new reviewer.

Communication of acceptance of the review

The reviewer will communicate his/her agreement within a maximum of 10 days from the date of receipt of the proposal.


Reviewers undertake not to disclose or use for any purpose the papers they receive for evaluation. Under no circumstances may they disseminate or use the information, details, arguments or interpretations contained in the text submitted for review for their own benefit or that of others, or to the detriment of third parties. Confidentiality ends with the publication of the article.

Text display and bibliographic references

The reviewers will check that a relevant and updated bibliography is used in the papers submitted for their evaluation. In addition, they will inform the editor in case of detecting plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publication.


To ensure an objective and transparent review process, reviewers are sent only the file containing the text without the identity of the author(s) plus the evaluation questionnaire. In the event that the identity of the author(s) loses anonymity, the reviewer should immediately notify the editor.

Commitments of the editorial team:

The editorial team of Revista de Derecho is composed of the editorial board, associate editors and the technical secretariat.

Promoting open access

The editorial team is committed to disseminating the content of the journal in an open access manner, respecting the authorship and content of its articles. This contributes to the visibility and prestige of the journal at the national and international level.

Guidelines to follow in already published texts

Any act identified as unethical conduct in texts already published will be evaluated, corrected and clarified by the editorial board.


Plagiarism, self-plagiarism (recycling of texts without attribution) and redundant (duplicate) publication are considered improper practices in Revista de Derecho and will be notified to the author by e-mail.

Scientific quality content

The members of the editorial board, the associate editors and the technical secretariat are responsible for the scientific quality and suitability of the texts in the journal, so they must ensure compliance with the guidelines for authors, avoid bad publication practices and manage the edition of the works received in a reasonable time.


The journal's editorial team is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the articles received and their content until they are published. From that moment on, the texts and their authors may be made public.

Honesty, impartiality and transparency

The editorial board, associate editors, technical secretariat and reviewers must maintain honesty and impartiality when managing the papers submitted for publication and must respect the intellectual independence of the authors of those papers approved to enter the refereeing process.


The editorial team is committed to guarantee impartiality and confidentiality in the double-blind refereeing process of the journal and must ensure that the published papers are original and unpublished, avoiding the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publication.

It undertakes to ensure the protection of the reviewers' identity and to encourage reviewers to comment on ethical issues and possible misconduct in the research of articles.

Members of the editorial board, associate editors and the technical secretariat cannot be reviewers of texts received by Revista de Derecho.

Conflicts of interest

Members of the editorial staff may not use data, arguments, or interpretations contained in unpublished works submitted to the journal for their own research, except with the express written consent of their authors.

Protection of personal data

The editorial team must protect the confidentiality of individual information obtained in the course of research or professional interactions (e.g., between lawyers and clients). It will therefore be necessary to obtain the informed written consent of individuals who might recognize themselves or be identified by others in the publication of an article (e.g., from case reports or photographs).

Respect for timelines

The editorial team is committed to managing the editorial process within the established deadlines.

Retractions and post-publication corrections

The journal reserves the right to revoke what is expressed in an article and to offer the necessary clarifications when errors are detected in the research (e.g., a calculation error or experimental error), fabrication (e.g., of data), falsification (e.g., manipulation of images), plagiarism, and omission of data in the research.

The journal reserves the right to make corrections after the article is published, when unethical conduct practices are detected, such as: redundant (duplicate) publication as long as the secondary text does not cite the original source; when the article contains material or data without authorization for its use; when copyright infringement is detected; when unethical research is reported; when the review process culminates in a compromised and manipulated process; or when there is conflict of interest not explicitly declared by the authors.

Notices of retractions and corrections will be made as soon as possible, identifying the title of the article and the authors in the heading of the retraction and including the citation of the retracted article. In the notice, the text of the article in question will be linked, the reasons for the retraction will be objectively expressed, and the notice will be available to all readers.

Controversies due to violation of these norms of ethics in research and publication will be analysed and resolved by the editorial board at the proposal of the journal's editor.


COPE. Core practices. Accessed May 26, 2023.