Soil-Structure Interaction for Buildings with Foundation Plates by Static and Dynamic Models
Soil-structure interaction, Soil stiffness and damping, ISE modelsAbstract
The dynamic conditions of the soil and the flexibility of the foundation are factors that condition the structural response of the buildings, however, currently it is considered for the seismic-resistant design that the soil is completely rigid and non-deformable, with no damping capacity, a condition that It is determined and established by the perfect embedment of the building in the base. This hypothetical embedment criterion facilitates the analysis and design of seismic-resistant structures, however, an important conditioning factor is ignored, since when there are variable stiffness in the strata, damping and differential settlements, the stresses and deformations in the structural elements can vary, decreasing or increasing the seismic demand. With these precedents, the study considered the dynamic conditions of the soil, through the main Soil Structure Interaction models. In the study, the modeling of a multifamily structure was carried out with the various coefficients obtained from the models developed by Winkler, Pasternak, Barkan & Savinov, Norma Rusa, Gazetas & Mylonakis, Pais & Kausel, in the soil study it was determined that the soil is classified as flexible S3, and the seismic danger zone is Z=4 corresponding to the district and province of Tumbes. With the results obtained from the modeling, it was shown that the stresses, the deformations and the vibration frequency of the structure increased, in comparison with the same structure modeled with the hypothetical criterion of restriction in the base.
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