Environmental impacts of oil activity in an Amazonian region of Peru





Environmental impacts, Macro processes, Petroleum activity, Environmental measures, Crude oil


With the objective of determining and identifying the environmental impacts generated by the oil activity in Saramiriza, Datem del Marañón, this research was carried out, since this activity has been the focus of attention of multiple local and global environmental actions, in areas where crude oil is processed, being one of the industries with the greatest environmental impacts present in diverse ecosystems in the different phases and typical operational practices of the industry according to IUCN and E&P Forum (1991). The methodology used is divided into the preliminary stage, which consisted of recording and searching for bibliographic information on the central problem, then the field stage, for in situ data collection using inspection techniques to identify the environmental components to be studied for a period of 20 days. And finally, the processing stage to identify the magnitude and importance of the impacts worked with the cabinet, using the CONESA matrix, in order to assess the environmental impacts. As a result, an estimated/approximate rating of importance was obtained for each impact and its improvement alternative, where the situational status of the identified area in relation to the development of the activity is known.


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How to Cite

M. T. Reátegui Chujutalli and H. Z. Chung Camus, “Environmental impacts of oil activity in an Amazonian region of Peru”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 25, pp. 197–213, Dec. 2023.


