Converting Municipal Solid Waste into energy


  • Diego Moratorio Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Ignacio Rocco Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Marcelo Castelli Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay


Waste to Energy, Renewable Energy, Municipal Solid Waste, Gasification, Batch Oxidation System


Given Uruguay’s energetic situation, where its main energy sources are from hydroelectric and thermal power from fossil fuels, it is important to consider other energy sources such as Energy from Waste. Waste to Energy (WTE) or Energy from Waste is a Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management system, which results in an appropriate and sustainable use of the waste which cannot be efficiently recycled or reused. This article
overviews the different WTE alternatives and proposes a concrete small-scale application for the city of Paysandú.


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How to Cite

D. Moratorio, I. Rocco, and M. Castelli, “Converting Municipal Solid Waste into energy”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 10, pp. 115–126, Oct. 2012.


