Gastronomic creations and their legal protection, specially referred to intellectual property




Gastraonomy, Intellectual property, Innovation, Legal protection


Gastronomy is an economic activity that reflects the cultural development of peoples throughout History. Innovative creations (recipes, food dishes, appliances ...), both in technology and in products and services in this area, mark the dynamics of the market. The legal regulation on Intellectual Property today determines market possibilities and individual development of many companies. There are also creations of the gastronomic public domain that it is impossible to monopolize, they belong to society. There are legal regimes that, from the cultural perspective, regulate these issues and allow maintaining quality and access, resulting in the development of local communities.


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How to Cite

Bugallo Montaño, B. (2020). Gastronomic creations and their legal protection, specially referred to intellectual property. Revista De Derecho, 19(38), 13–53.




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