Development of time and frequency standards in Uruguay




Frequency, Time, Hour, Standard, UTC


This paper presents the developments that have been carried out in Uruguayan institutions regarding standards of the quantities of time and frequency. The period analyzed covers about 80 years. Therefore, the technologies were very diverse, from oscillators based on quartz crystals and vacuum tube electronics, to modern cesium clocks, based on the transition of their electronic levels. The relative stabilities, then, cover several orders of magnitude, from 10-7 to 10-13, which demonstrates the great progress that the development of this physical quantity has had in Uruguay. The current state of the National Standard of Uruguay, based on cesium clocks, has reached uncertainties that are low enough to be admitted as part of the international system that defines the time, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


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How to Cite

L. Trigo, A. García, and D. Slomovitz, “Development of time and frequency standards in Uruguay”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 25, pp. 72–89, Dec. 2023.


