Comparative analysis of methodologies for column pre-sizing in a six-level building without basement




Column, Dirft, Building, Pre-sizing, Beams


The types of methodologies to be able to assign or calculate the pre-sizing of a certain structure allow us to know the behaviors of the structural elements throughout their useful life, which can be observed and analyzed when the static and dynamic seismic analysis of the building is carried out. In order to pre-size a building, the number of floor levels, the span width between beams and columns, and the calculation of the load metering for each structural element must be taken into consideration. The main objective of this research is to be able to analyze the effects that occur in the pre-sizing of the vertical structural elements (columns) in terms of the drifts of a 6-story building without a basement under the parameters of the Peruvian E-Loads Regulations. 020, Earthquake Resistant Design E. 030 and Reinforced Concrete E. 060. The final results will demonstrate that method used was appropriate for the design of the building and this will influence the costs of its construction. For the investigation, it is concluded that the seismic method is the most appropriate methodology for calculating the pre-sizing of structural elements.


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How to Cite

M. J. Rupay Vargas, R. R. Parra Lavado, and J. S. Lopez Yarango, “Comparative analysis of methodologies for column pre-sizing in a six-level building without basement”, Memoria investig. ing. (Facultad Ing., Univ. Montev.), no. 26, pp. 143–155, Jul. 2024.




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