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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal under Submissions.

Author Guidelines

Revista de Derecho is published twice a year by the School of Law of University of Montevideo.

Since the year 2002, it has been regularly published and includes the following sections:  

- Message from the Dean or Editor-in-chief

- Academic papers

- Conferences and lectures

- Annotated case law

- News of the School of Law

- MA Thesis

- Papers of law school undergraduate students

- Reviews of Books and Journals

Commitment to the editor and copyright:

Only original content that is not committed to another publication and whose author(s) are in full possession of publishing rights will be published. The submission of the originals to the editor entails that the author or the authors of the collaborations give to Revista de Derecho the reproduction rights of the admitted texts. In turn, cases of co-authorship must be expressly stated, as well as cases in which the author received collaborations, suggestions or comments from third parties.

Notice of copyright:

This Journal is published by the School of Law of University of Montevideo.

The authors who publish in this journal accept the following terms:

The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of the work under a Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of authorship and an acknowledgment of their initial publication in this journal. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish their work online (in repositories or on their website) after the presentation of this issue of Revista de Derecho, as this can generate productive exchanges, as well as a higher citation of the published work (see “The Effect of Open Access”).

Privacy statement:

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.

Arbitration system:

From a material standpoint, a qualified Editorial Board comprised of Professors from the different fields carries out the preliminary scientific review of the manuscripts. Subsequently, the manuscripts are peer reviewed using the double-blind system. Once this process is completed, the Editorial Board selects the manuscripts that will be published in the different sections of the journal.

Sending manuscripts to the Law School Journal of University of Montevideo implies acceptance of their publication and reproduction in any publishing means applied by the Journal. Expressions and opinions arising from the articles published in the Journal are the responsibility of the authors alone.

Declaration of Originality:

The authors must accept and sign the Declaration of originality and send it to the following email address:

Ethical codes and conflicts of interest:

Revista de Derecho adheres to the international standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE (Guidelines on Good Publication Practice and Code of Conduct). Authors, editors, reviewers and editorial staff agree to read and accept the present Code of Ethics of the journal.

The authors acknowledge all sources of funding used in their work and expressly indicate, when appropriate, the funding agency and any other commercial, financial or private link with persons or institutions that may have interests with the proposed work.

Plagiarism Detection:

The identification of plagiarism in the text is a reason for rejection by Revista de Derecho. If plagiarism is detected, the author is informed of the reason for the rejection of his contribution, with the evidence of plagiarism clearly stated.

The journal uses Turnitin plagiarism detection and verification of originality service,

Charges for processing articles:

Revista de Derecho, does not have charges or fees for the processing of articles (Article Processing Charge [APC]) sent by the authors. There is no fee paid for the presentation of the texts to the evaluation process either.

Guidelines for the publication of academic papers:

1) Manuscripts must be sent by e-mail to Deadlines for the reception of manuscripts are April 30 and October 30.

2) Manuscripts must be unpublished, original and may be sent either in Spanish or in English.

3) Although there is no strict word-length limitation, we suggest that manuscripts do not exceed 10,000 words.

4) Manuscripts must be sent in Word format, font Times New Roman, size 12, single-spaced.

5) Together with the manuscript, authors must submit a presentation including:

1. i) Title in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

2. ii) Information on the author or authors: complete name, open researcher and contributor ID - ORCID (which may be obtained at the following link: ORCID), position and academic institution, contact e-mail address. Percentage of the author's contribution to the research. Declare the availability or non-availability of data. Data availability:
Manuscripts should be submitted with a section called "Data availability", informing whether the dataset is available and, if so, where to access it.
In the event that the author has his/her research data on a server, this should be stated in the article.
The following sentence should be included within the text:
"The dataset supporting the results of this study is available at...".
Otherwise, you should include a sentence within the article stating the following:
"The dataset supporting the results of this study is not available." In addition, the dataset should be cited.

3. iii) An abstract of the manuscript in English, Spanish and Portuguese (between 100 and 200 words).

4. iv) Between 3 and 5 keywords of the manuscript in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

6) The different sections must be structured following Arabic numbering: 1, 1.1., 1.1.2. and so forth.

7) Acronyms must be followed by their extended form, between brackets, the first time they appear Example: CC (Civil Code).

8) Formal rules for textual citation:

Citations and bibliographical references of the texts sent to the Revista de Derecho will be made according to the APA (American Psychological Association) standards and the Estilo APA: guía con ejemplos y adaptaciones para Uruguay of the Grupo APA Uruguay in order to be able to start the arbitration process.

Textual citations will be made according to the author-date system, also indicating the page number of the source. Example: (Bugallo, 2006, p. 484).

If the quotation contains less than 40 words, it is enclosed in double inverted commas.

If the quotation contains 40 words or more, it is written in a block paragraph with an indentation of 1.25 cm.

Paraphrased quotations are also to be made according to the author-date system, the quotation is not enclosed in inverted commas and the format of the paragraph is not changed, it is not necessary to indicate the page of the source. The reference of the paraphrased quotation must be added to the list of bibliographical references.

References of cited sources are listed in a separate paragraph with French indentation of 1.25 cm and are arranged alphabetically under the heading Bibliographical references.



Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (year). Title of the book. City of Publisher: Publisher.

Surname, A. A. (year). Title of the book (translations by B. B. B. Surnames and C. C. Surnames, 15th ed.). City of Publisher: Publisher.

Bugallo, B. (2006). La propiedad intelectual. Montevideo: Fundación de Cultura Universitaria.

Book chapters:

Surnames, A. A., and Surnames, B. B. (year). Title of book chapter. In C. Editors, D. Editors, and E. Editors (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. Xxx-xxx). City of Publisher: Publisher.

Frega, A. (2007). Capítulo 1 -La formulación de un modelo. 1890-1918. En A. Frega, A. M. Rodríguez Aycaguer, E. Ruiz, R. Porrini, A. Islas, D. Bonfanti, M. Broquetas, I. Cuadro, Historia del Uruguay en el siglo XX (1890-2005) (pp. 17-50). Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental.

Journal articles:

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, xx(x), pp.-pp.

Lorenzo, P. (2020). La protección del medio ambiente como norma imperativa de Derecho Internacional (Ius Cogens). Revista de derecho19(37), 41-69.

Olivera García, R. (2018). La ley de arbitraje comercial internacional. Primeras reflexiones. Revista de Derecho Comercial, Año 3(12), pp. 33-65.

Servi, A. (2001). Derecho Ambiental. Responsabilidad Ambiental Internacional. Relaciones Internacionales, 10(20). Recuperado de

For normative legal material such as the Constitution of the Republic, laws, court rulings, jurisprudence published in books or journal articles, etc. consult the Estilo APA: guía con ejemplos y adaptaciones para Uruguay of the Grupo APA Uruguay.

Sources consulted but not cited in the text will be included in an alphabetical list under the heading Bibliography at the end of the document.


Formal rules for the publication of doctrine papers:

1. Author(s) details: full name, unique ORCID researcher identifier (can be obtained at the following link: ORCID), position and academic institution to which he/she belongs, e-mail address for correspondence with the journal. Percentage of the author's contribution to the research. State the availability or non-availability of data as follows:

Data availability:

Manuscripts should be submitted with a section called "Data availability", informing whether the dataset is available and, if so, where to access it.

In case the author has his or her research data on a server, this should be stated in the article.

The following sentence should be included within the text:

"The dataset supporting the results of this study is available at...".

Otherwise, you should include a sentence within the article stating the following:

"The dataset supporting the results of this study is not available".

In addition, the dataset should be cited.

2. Abstract of the paper in Spanish, English and Portuguese (between 100 and 200 words).

3. Establish between 3 and 5 key words of the paper in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The different sections of the paper should be structured according to Arabic numbering: 1., 1.1., 1.1.2. and so on.

The acronyms to be included must be accompanied by their meaning, in brackets, the first time they are used. Example: CC (Civil Code).

Formal rules of textual citation:

In order to initiate the arbitration process, citations and bibliographical references in the texts sent to Revista de Derecho will be made in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association) standards and the APA Style manual: guide with examples and adaptations for Uruguay by the APA Uruguay Group.

Textual citations will be made according to the author-date system, also indicating the page number of the source. Example: (Bugallo, 2006, p. 484).

If the quotation contains less than 40 words, it should be enclosed in double inverted commas.

If the quotation contains 40 words or more, it is written in a block paragraph with an indentation of 1.25 cm.

Paraphrased quotations are also to be made according to the author-date system, the quotation is not enclosed in inverted commas and the format of the paragraph is not changed, it is not necessary to indicate the page of the source. The reference of the paraphrased quotation must be added to the list of bibliographical references.

The references of the cited sources are listed in a separate paragraph with a French indentation of 1.25 cm and are ordered alphabetically under the heading Bibliographical references.

Annotated jurisprudence

Formal rules for the publication of doctrine papers:

1. Author(s) details: full name, unique ORCID researcher identifier (can be obtained at the following link: ORCID), position and academic institution to which he/she belongs, e-mail address for correspondence with the journal. Percentage of the author's contribution to the research. State the availability or non-availability of data as follows:

Data availability:

Manuscripts should be submitted with a section called "Data availability", informing whether the dataset is available and, if so, where to access it.

In case the author has his or her research data on a server, this should be stated in the article.

The following sentence should be included within the text:

"The dataset supporting the results of this study is available at...".

Otherwise, you should include a sentence within the article stating the following:

"The dataset supporting the results of this study is not available".

In addition, the dataset should be cited.

2. Abstract of the paper in Spanish, English and Portuguese (between 100 and 200 words).

3. Establish between 3 and 5 key words of the paper in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The different sections of the paper should be structured according to Arabic numbering: 1., 1.1., 1.1.2. and so on.

The acronyms to be included must be accompanied by their meaning, in brackets, the first time they are used. Example: CC (Civil Code).

Formal rules of textual citation:

In order to initiate the arbitration process, citations and bibliographical references in the texts sent to Revista de Derecho will be made in accordance with the APA (American Psychological Association) standards and the APA Style manual: guide with examples and adaptations for Uruguay by the APA Uruguay Group.

Textual citations will be made according to the author-date system, also indicating the page number of the source. Example: (Bugallo, 2006, p. 484).

If the quotation contains less than 40 words, it should be enclosed in double inverted commas.

If the quotation contains 40 words or more, it is written in a block paragraph with an indentation of 1.25 cm.

Paraphrased quotations are also to be made according to the author-date system, the quotation is not enclosed in inverted commas and the format of the paragraph is not changed, it is not necessary to indicate the page of the source. The reference of the paraphrased quotation must be added to the list of bibliographical references.

The references of the cited sources are listed in a separate paragraph with a French indentation of 1.25 cm and are ordered alphabetically under the heading Bibliographical references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.