Negative effect of the Kompetenz - Kompetenz principle in Uruguayan courts




Arbitration, Arbitral clause, Jurisdiction, Competence


The kompetenz-kompetenz principle – vastly known in the arbitration world – implies that, the competent authority to decide regarding the validity or scope of any arbitral clause, is the arbitral tribunal itself. The other side of this renowned principle is that, if a case is submitted to a national court, and it contains an arbitration clause, the local court or judge must refer the case back to the arbitration forum. The negative effect of this principle exists with diverse intensity and characteristics in all the jurisdictions. This article analyzes the negative effect of this principle in the Uruguayan courts.


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How to Cite

Ruggieri, M. P., & Vilaseca, L. (2022). Negative effect of the Kompetenz - Kompetenz principle in Uruguayan courts. Revista De Derecho, 21(42), 127–152.




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