““Arte at risk”

an interdisciplinar expirience”





Interdiscipline, Waste, Risk, Art


This essay describes the interdisciplinary exploration process that the Reasearch Network on Environmental Humanities at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (RIHA for its acronym in Spanish) took on in the year 2021 in order to explore the risks related to garbage.

This essay reflects on interdisciplinary explorations making an analogy between the chaos on entangled and infinite knowledge which needs to be categorized into disciplines to make it comprehensible, and the chaos of tangible yet amorphous garbage found in a junkyard, which also needs to be categorized and sorted to be recycled in order to at least reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up dumped in the junkyard. 

The essay also questions the notions of art and what may or may not be valued as an object that may be exhibited in cultural spaces called museums.


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How to Cite

Casals-Hill, Andrea. 2023. ““‘Arte at risk”: An Interdisciplinar expirience’”. Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo, no. 13 (May):39-62. https://doi.org/10.25185/13.3.