The debate on the plurality of divine ideas. The last teaching of Thomas Aquinas




God, Divine science, Divine ideas, Thomas Aquinas


During the twentieth century some Thomas Aquinas scholars argued that there is only one divine idea. They found the plurality of ideas irreconcilable with the absolute simplicity of God. But others showed that Aquinas' original thesis was to affirm multiple ideas in the divine mind. In fact this is expressed in several passages of his works. Here we wish to complement the contemporary polemic with St. Thomas' Quodlibet, IV, q. 1. This short text, little known and whose Spanish translation we offer, contains the last teaching of the Dominican theologian on the plurality of divine ideas, and should therefore be considered in any discussion on the subject. Promoting the direct reading of this medieval source is the main aim of our work.


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How to Cite

Herrera, Juan José. 2017. “The Debate on the Plurality of Divine Ideas. The Last Teaching of Thomas Aquinas”. Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo, no. 1 (June):29-49.