Call for papers Nº17, June 2025


Call for papers for the "Studies" section of issue 17 (June 2025)

Monograph: "International Diplomacy, Intellectual Networks and Memory in Latin America. Sixty years after the US intervention in the Dominican Republic".

Editors associated with this issue:

Dr. Hugo Harvey Valdés, Universidad de Las Américas, Chile,

Dr. Cristián Medina Valverde, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile,

Dr. Javier Castro Arcos, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Chile,

With the end of the Cold War, the superpowers declassified official documents, allowing for a wider range of interpretations of their dynamics and producing a "historical revisionism" that has positively permeated Latin American historiography. This has led to the need to examine this ideological struggle from the perspective of "peripheral" local conflicts, modifying classical analyses and historiographies, especially with regard to US interventions. Thus, research has been carried out on US covert operations, such as PB SUCCES in Guatemala, where US efforts supported Colonel Castillo Armas to oust President Jacobo Árbenz, and also Track I and II in Chile, aimed at containing a communist triumph at the polls between 1963 and 1973.

However, the Dominican revolution of 1965 with the consequent US military intervention and the formation of the Inter-American Peace Force (IAPF) of the Organisation of American States (OAS) remain vaguely explored. The US invasion represented the first direct military action against a Latin American country in the Cold War period; moreover, it constituted a turning point in the Inter-American system that ended up legitimising unilateral action by means of a force with the support of other states in the region. This occurred without observance of the principle of "non-intervention". Likewise, the countries opposed to the incursion experienced a real crossroads, due to pressure from the United States to obtain a favourable vote, using the assistance plans of the Alliance for Progress.

The above-mentioned precedents constitute a historiographical vacuum, which allows us to affirm that the history and analysis of these events should be approached with an impetus equivalent to that of similar cases. Therefore, this proposal for a dossier is aimed at rescuing and revisiting them along three main lines. Firstly, from the perspective of international diplomacy and Latin American foreign policy, with the aim of reflecting the tensions between international law, US pressures and domestic political dynamics. Secondly, from the perspective of progressive intellectual networks, the majority of which adhered to the Dominican "constitutionalist" cause, whose objective was to restore President Juan Bosch to power.

Finally, a third line, related to the processes of memory, reparation and national reconciliation developed in the Dominican Republic, from which it is feasible to extract experiences that contribute to the future of the countries in the region.

In this sense, three main lines are presented:

- International diplomacy and Latin American foreign policies.

- Progressive intellectual networks.

- Memory, reparation and national reconciliation.

From the following secondary approaches:

- Solidarity between Latin American revolutionary movements.

- International support for the Dominican revolution.

- The position of the Vatican and the Church in the Dominican crisis.

- The Alliance for Progress as a tool for diplomatic pressure.

- Multilateral dynamics in the OAS and the UN.

- Experiences of ambassadors and diplomatic agents present in Santo Domingo.

- Experiences of "constitutionalist" combatants.

- Experiences of "neo-Trujillo" combatants.

- Military history and operational art of Operation Power Pack.

Keywords: Cold War, Dominican Revolution, US intervention, international diplomacy, intellectual networks, memory.

The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2024.

Texts may be submitted in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Contributions must conform to the editorial guidelines of the journal:  

Papers should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Humanidades: revista de la Universidad de Montevideo is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal of Philosophy, History and Literature, published every six months in June and December of each year and aimed at a specialised readership. Its aim is to constitute an open forum in which the disciplines dialogue with each other and contribute new knowledge. Indexed in: Latindex, Scielo, ERIHPLUS, Dialnet, DOAJ, EBSCO-Academic Search Ultimate, Scopus.