Bottom and form of literature explained from an aria by Mozart. A didactic proposal




Literature, Music, Lázaro Carreter, Barenboim, Mozart, Humanism


This article is based on interest in reflection on the teaching of the humanities and its purpose is to share a specific teaching. Its purpose is to expose the intellectual path that has been followed to compose a class of literature. We start from the methodological proposal of Fernando Lázaro Carreter and Evaristo Correa Calderón in Cómo se comenta un texto literario (1968) and the ideas developed by Daniel Barenboim in Music Quickens Time (2008) to propose a class of literature that incorporates music and helps to realize how musical reflection can help to read and awaken sensitivity towards a text, its characters and the conflict it raises. 


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How to Cite

Torres Pérez-Solero, Paloma. 2024. “Bottom and Form of Literature Explained from an Aria by Mozart. A Didactic Proposal”. Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo, no. 15 (June):133-50.