Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Humanidades: Revista de la Universidad de Montevideo is a peer-reviewed publication with a double-blind evaluation system. Humanidades considers that ethics in the editorial process is essential to maintain the quality and integrity of research texts.

For this reason, Humanidades is committed to comply with the guidelines of this code, based on the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, ). These guidelines, addressed to authors, editors and reviewers, are applied in the editorial process of the journal.

Authors’ commitments

Authors agree to abide by the following ethical guidelines:

Statement of authorship and contribution

Authors shall sign a statement of original authorship (“Declaration of Originality”) stating that the text submitted is the result of a personal or co-authored intellectual contribution, that they have approved the final version and agree to its publication.

Each author shall indicate the percentage of his/her contribution to the research that led to the text.

The journal maintains the alphabetical order in which the authors appear in the publication.

Intellectual Property

The journal Humanidades is published by Facultad de Humanidades y Educación (School of Humanities and Education) and Centro de Documentación y Estudios de Iberoamérica (Ibero-American Studies and Documentation Center), both academic departments of Universidad de Montevideo.

Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of their work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of authorship and an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.

Originality and veracity of the data:

Authors shall acknowledge that the content of the submitted text is original and unpublished and that they are in full possession of the publication rights. Authors shall accept and sign a statement of original authorship (“Declaration of Originality”, and send it to the magazine's e-mail address (

Authors shall attest to the veracity of the data presented in the text and affirm it has not been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted.

Compliance with the terms of publication:

Authors who publish in the journal Humanidades acknowledge and accept the terms of publication, which can be found online at


Plagiarism consists of attributing phrases or ideas of other authors to one's own authorship. Authors agree to provide the proper citation and references for any parts or ideas copied or paraphrased from other authors' works.

The authors acknowledge that any plagiarism detected in the text constitutes grounds for rejection by the journal Humanidades. Whenever plagiarism is detected, it shall be communicated to the author with an explanation.

Compliance with the rules of style, citation and bibliographic references:

Authors shall always provide the journal with the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the text according to the standards of the Chicago Manual of Style, to which Humanidades adheres. Data, figures, tables, photographs, and references to already published materials shall be duly identified with their respective credits and included in the bibliographical notes and citations, as well as any unpublished data obtained through verbal or written communication. The authors shall obtain the due authorizations from those who own the copyrights of said materials.

Conflict of interest and disclosure:

Authors shall undertake the duty of declaring explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results of their research and the interpretations thereof. The authors shall also indicate in advance all sources of funding, whether from agencies or projects, used for the research, and shall expressly mention, if applicable, the funding entity, and any other commercial, financial or private link with persons or institutions that may have an interest in the proposed work.

Responsibility for the content:

The responsibility for the content of the texts published in Humanidades lies exclusively with the authors, who, in addition, shall undertake the duty of reviewing the most current and relevant scientific literature on the subject studied. The journal does not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed in the published works.

Simultaneous submission to other journals:

Simultaneous submission of the same text to two or more scientific journals is considered unethical. The author shall not to publish the text for the same research in more than one scientific or academic journal.

Self-plagiarism (recycling texts without attribution):

Self-plagiarism or text recycling occurs when the author copies part of a work of his/her authorship in a new text without the requisite self-attribution. This is considered unethical.

Self-plagiarism may be detected in texts submitted for review or in articles already published. In both cases, upon detecting self-plagiarism, the editor shall contact the author to request clarification, and, if appropriate, to take action. Should the editor deem it a case of minor self-plagiarism, the author may correct the work by adding the missing citations of previous works. Should the editor detect extended recycled paragraphs, the text may be rejected. When the text is rejected, the editor shall expressly inform the reason for this decision to the authors. If self-plagiarism is detected in an already published article, the journal is entitled to report it.

In all cases, authors shall take special care not to incur in excessive self-citation.

Redundant (duplicate) publication:

A redundant or duplicate publication occurs when the same article is published in two or more journals, either with a different title, a change in the order of the authors, or by removing citations from other articles in the original publication. Redundant publications can be detected with the Turnitin similarity software.

A redundant publication is allowed if the editor deems it to be minimal, for instance, if the same method is used or a new analysis is done, and as long as the secondary text cites the original source.

When a redundant publication is detected, the editor shall contact the author to request clarification and, where appropriate, to take action.

Data access and retention:

The authors shall undertake the duty of providing the editorial board with the data on which the research is based, for the purposes of public access.

Errors in published articles:

Any error or inaccuracy found in a text after publication should be communicated by the authors to the editor for correction.

Deadline for corrections in the submitted texts:

Authors agree to accept and carry out the requested changes within one month (30 calendar days), or otherwise to justify a partial discrepancy or withdraw the text.


Editors’ commitments

The editor agrees to abide by the editorial policies of the journal.

Information for authors and reviewers:

The editors shall undertake the duty of making authors and reviewers aware of the Guide to Good Journal Practices, this Code of Ethics, and the Guidelines for Authors.

Promote open access:

The editors shall undertake the duty of disseminating the content of the journal in an open manner, respecting the authorship and content of their articles.

Scientific quality content:

The members of the editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the advisors that comprise the editorial staff of Humanidades are, to the extent of their various competencies, responsible for the scientific quality of the journal. Therefore, they must ensure compliance with the guidelines for authors, avoid bad publication practices, and manage the edition of the submitted papers in a reasonable time.


The editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the advisors that comprise the editorial staff of Humanidades, together with the reviewers, shall keep the confidentiality of the texts received and their content until they are published. From that moment on, the texts and their authors may be made public.

Honesty and transparency:

The editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the reviewers shall maintain impartiality in the management of papers submitted for publication and must respect the intellectual independence of the authors of papers approved for arbitration.

Arbitration process:

The editorial board shall ensure that the published articles are the result of a fair and impartial review process (double-blind system to preserve the anonymity of the authors and the reviewers) and that each of the papers is original and unpublished. To this end, they shall avoid the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publications.

The editors and advisors shall appoint the reviewers involved in the evaluation process of each paper. Appointments shall be communicated in each case to the journal's secretariat for the purpose of registering the reviewers assigned to the text and notifying the journal's management. Peer reviewers are sent a file containing only the title, text and critical apparatus, in addition to the evaluation questionnaire. In all cases, reviewers shall receive all the necessary information and be familiar with the journal's rules.

Those appointed as reviewers should be experienced scholars and shall that meet most of the following conditions: knowledge of the subject treated in the text (with bibliographic updating); proficiency in the discipline related to the subject; experience in the field of research and academic publication; and expected honesty in the response. In all cases, reviewers from outside the institution responsible for the edition are preferred.

The members of the editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the area advisors of the journal cannot be reviewers of the texts received by the journal Humanidades.

When the votes of the two reviewers regarding the same text (to be included in either of the two sections) are contradictory and there appears to be difficulties in guiding the author, the associate editor or the area advisor may appoint a third reviewer and notify the journal's secretariat of this decision.

The texts approved by the associate editor and the area advisor, once the review process has been completed, shall be sent to the journal's secretariat, expressly indicating the date of acceptance of each text.

The process of arbitration of a text approved for publication in the journal does not necessarily end with the intervention of the copyeditor. Whenever the copyeditor contributes to an issue, his/her name shall appear on the Authorities page immediately before the advisory board.

Results of the decision:

The results of the arbitration process are expressed through the reviewers' decision, based on the journal's evaluation questionnaire. In all cases, the editor shall inform the author of the observations contained in the decision.

Conflicts of interest:

Editors shall not use for their own research data, arguments, or interpretations contained in unpublished papers submitted to the journal, unless the author gives his/her express written consent.

The content of the reviewers' reports shall not be used by the editors or any other member of the editorial board.

A potential conflict of interest exists when the editor, advisor, or reviewer is close to the author or to the text to a degree that may affect the objectivity of their tasks or inappropriately influence his/her decision. Once this situation has arisen, the person in question must immediately notify the editor of the journal and be subject to the latter’s decision.

The associate editor may not publish a text he/she has authored or co-authored in an issue of the journal in which he/she appears as partly or entirely responsible. An area advisor may send a text to the journal for the Studies section or for the Articles section, as long as he/she is completely unrelated to that particular arbitration process.

Scientific responsibility:

The name or names of the editors and advisors are reflected in the issues of the journal, at the end of each text.

Respect for deadlines:

The editors undertake the duty of managing the editing of the works received within a reasonable time.

Participation and cooperation in research:

When complaints are submitted for a text already published, provided it is a "Study", the editor, as the person responsible for all the texts in an issue of the journal, shall respond to the complaint by first communicating with the author of the text, accepting and processing the complaint and communicating all that is relevant to the corrections that are due, as well as responding to the corresponding organizations, institutions and persons and, if necessary, publishing the corrections and providing sufficient clarification in the journal. In the case of a text belonging to the "Articles" section or to another section of the publication, the same task will be the responsibility of the editorial secretary.


External reviewers’ commitments

Reviewers shall undertake the following duties:

Contribution to the editorial decision:

Reviewers, with their opinion, shall help the editor to make a final decision in the editorial process.

Reviewers, when evaluating and assessing the papers received, shall maintain impartiality and respect the intellectual independence of the authors during the arbitration process.

Respect for review deadlines:

Reviewers have 1 month (30 calendar days) to complete the assigned task by completing the evaluation questionnaire and sending it to the associate editor, area advisor or person in charge. If the complexity of a text requires so, they may request an extension of up to 15 days beyond the ordinary deadline. The completed questionnaires shall be sent to the journal's secretariat.

Notification of non-acceptance of a review

An appointed reviewer who in his/her opinion is not competent in the subject matter shall decline the task and notify the editor of his/her decision so a new reviewer can be appointment.

Notification of acceptance of a review

The reviewer shall notify whether he/she accepts the task within a maximum of 10 days from the date of receipt of the proposal.


The reviewers shall regard the papers submitted for their evaluation as a confidential document until the date of publication of the text. Under no circumstances shall they disseminate or use the information, details, arguments or interpretations contained in the text submitted for review for their own benefit or that of others, or to the detriment of third parties. Only in special cases may they request the advice of other specialists in the field, for which they shall request prior authorization from the journal's management. Confidentiality is terminated upon the publication of the text.


Peer review is done objectively and critically, taking into account the evaluation questionnaire of the journal Humanidades. Reviewer shall deliver the report to the editor or the area advisor with the observations that the text warrants. These are especially relevant in cases where the text is rejected.


The editorial staff of Humanidades and the reviewers shall remain impartial regarding the papers submitted for publication and shall respect the intellectual independence of the authors of those papers approved to enter the arbitration process.

Conflicts of interest:

A potential conflict of interest exists when the editor, advisor, or reviewer is close to the text or author to a degree that may affect the objectivity of their tasks or inappropriately influence his/her decisions. Once this situation has arisen, the person in question must immediately notify the editor of the journal and be subject to the latter’s decision.

Text layout and bibliographic references:

The reviewers shall verify that a relevant and updated bibliography is used in the papers submitted for their evaluation. To this end, they shall review the works cited in the text, suggesting the elimination of inappropriate references or the addition of others that have not been cited. The reviewer shall also inform the associate editor or area advisor of the existence of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publications.

If the reviewer detects that a substantial part of the text has already been published, he/she should advise the editor or advisor of the situation.


To guarantee an objective, impartial and transparent review process, reviewers are sent only a file containing title, text and critical apparatus without the identity of the author(s), plus the evaluation questionnaire. Should the identity of the author(s) lose anonymity, the reviewer shall notify the editor immediately.


Editorial staff’s commitments:

The editorial team is comprised by the editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the advisors.

Promote open access:

The editorial team shall undertake the duty of disseminating the content of the journal in an open manner, respecting the authorship and content of its articles.

Guidelines to be followed in already published texts

Any act identified as unethical conduct or an equivalent omission in an issue of Humanidades shall be reviewed, corrected and clarified by the editorial board or its designee, even if discovered years after its publication.


Should a partial plagiarism be discovered in a text that has undergone the ordinary controls and has been published in the journal, once it has been reliably verified, the editorial board of Humanidades shall make it public.

Scientific quality content:

The members of the editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the advisors that comprise the editorial staff of Humanidades are, to the extent of their various competencies, responsible for the scientific quality of the journal, so they shall ensure compliance with the guidelines for authors, avoid bad publication practices, and manage the edition of the submitted articles in a reasonable time.


The editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors, and the advisors that comprise the editorial staff of Humanidades, together with the reviewers, shall keep the confidentiality of the texts received and their content until they are published. From that moment on, the texts and their authors may be made public.

Honesty, impartiality and transparency:

The editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the reviewers shall remain impartial regarding the papers submitted for publication and shall respect the intellectual independence of the authors of the papers approved to enter the arbitration process.


The editorial staff must guarantee that the published papers are the result of a fair and impartial review process (double-blind system to preserve the anonymity of the authors and the reviewers) and that every paper is original and unpublished; to this end, they shall avoid the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publications.

The members of the editorial board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the area advisors of the journal cannot be reviewers of the texts received by the journal Humanidades.

Conflicts of interest:

The members of the editorial staff shall not use for their own research data, arguments, or interpretations contained in unpublished papers submitted to the journal, except with the express written consent of their authors.

Respect for deadlines:

The editorial team shall undertake the duty of managing the editorial process within the established deadlines.

Retractions and post-publication corrections:

The journal reserves the right to retract an article and provide necessary clarifications when research errors (e.g. calculation error or experimental error), fabrication (e.g. of data), falsification (e.g. manipulation of images), plagiarism and omission of data in research are detected.

When unethical behavioural practices are detected such as: redundant (duplicate) publication as long as the secondary text does not cite the original source, when it contains material or data without authorisation for its use, when copyright infringement is detected, when it reports unethical research, when the review process culminates in a compromised and manipulated process, and when there is conflict of interest not explicitly declared by the authors.

The journal reserves the right to make any necessary corrections after the article has been published.

Notices of retractions and corrections will be made as soon as possible, clearly identifying the type of notice as retraction or correction, detailing the title and authors in the heading of the retraction or including the citation of the retracted article, in the note the text of the article in question will be linked, the reasons for the retraction will be objectively expressed and the note will be made available to all readers.

Controversies due to the violation of these rules of ethics for research and publication shall be analyzed and resolved by the editorial board at the request of the journal's editor.



COPE. Core practices. Accessed in September 2021.