The Upbuilding of the Framework Narrator-Textual Protagonist-Author in the Work of the Santafecino Writer Alcides Greca (1889-1856)

Travel Tales and Autobiography




Autobiography, Travel writing, Alcides Greca works


In this paper we are interested in showing how the interaction between Narrator-Textual Protagonist-Author operates in the travel writing of the argentine intellectual Alcides Greca (San Javier, 1889- Rosario, 1956). In certain way, this matter leads us to set out some aspects of the performance of the autobiographical topic in his literature. Considering that the resources for genre travel writing occupy a relevant place, like the description, the intertextuality and the performative glance, among others, we understand that the interaction between Narrator-Textual Protagonist-Author relies on this and other series of related features that, evidently, are necessary to map: the autobiographical pact, the reading contract, the unfolding of the self in the text, the reality effect. The own fictional character of the genre –and, particularly, of these travel writing– is peculiar: we hold on to the position that the memories as well as the means of locomotion enable the construction of the autobiographical issue.


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How to Cite

Antequera, María Florencia. 2019. “The Upbuilding of the Framework Narrator-Textual Protagonist-Author in the Work of the Santafecino Writer Alcides Greca (1889-1856): Travel Tales and Autobiography”. Humanidades: Revista De La Universidad De Montevideo, no. 5 (June):177-212.