Guide to good practice and editorial standards of the journal Humanidades

  1. The members of the Editorial Board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the advisors who make up the editorial team of Humanidades are, to the extent of their various competences, responsible for the contents published in the journal, and must therefore ensure its scientific quality, avoid wrong publication practices and manage the editing of the works received within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. The Editorial Board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the advisors who make up the editorial team of Humanidades, together with the reviewers, are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the texts received and their content until they are authorized for publication. From that moment on, the titles and authorship of the texts may be made public. For their part, the members of the editorial team may not use information, arguments or interpretations contained in unpublished works submitted to the journal for their own research, except with the express written consent of their authors.
  3. The editorial team of Humanidades and the reviewers must maintain impartiality in the administration of the works submitted for publication and must respect the intellectual independence of the authors of those works approved to enter the arbitration process.
  4. The editorial team must ensure that the published papers are the result of a fair and impartial review process (double-blind procedure: anonymity of the authors and evaluators of the papers) and that each of the papers is original and unpublished. To this end, they will avoid the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and redundant or duplicate publication.
  5. The editor of the journal alongside the editorial secretary and two other members of the board authorize the proposals for the monographic section (Studies) and appoint the associate editor(s). The editor is responsible for the call for proposals and directs the monographic section of the issue. The editor, in coordination with the editorial secretary or advisors, is severally responsible for the entire issue of the publication, which may or may not include texts evaluated and approved in other calls. All texts in an issue must be approved for publication by the editor alongside the editorial secretary; they may request the intervention of one or more members of the advisory board beforehand.
  6. The authorization of a monographic section and the designation of the associate editor is generally due to one of two possibilities:
  7. to respond to the invitation of the Humanidades management by submitting a proposal or
  8. to submit a proposal that is previously analyzed and approved by the committee mentioned in article 5.
  9. The advisors are responsible for the texts received in the various calls for papers in the Articles section. The name(s) of these advisors are reflected in the issues of the journal, at the end of each text. The advisors are assigned the following tasks: to initially report on the quality of the texts received for the Articles section and to propose peer reviewers for these texts.
  10. The editorial secretary coordinates the editorial process of the texts once they have been accepted and coordinates the necessary actions with the associate editor(s).
  11. The proposal for the Studies section, for all cases, must contain a title, the name of the person resolved as responsible (or the names if there are more than one) and their CV, the abstract of the project and the main lines to be developed in the monographic issue.
  12. Researchers who wish to apply for a call for papers, either for the Studies or the Articles section, should send their proposal for evaluation only through
  13. Contributions to the two main sections of the journal should be submitted in three separate files. File 1 contains only the title with the body of the text and the critical apparatus; file 2 contains the title of the text submitted and the details of the author(s) (full name, position and academic institution to which they belong, e-mail address, unique ORCID researcher identifier, percentage of contribution of the author(s) to the research); and file 3 contains the signed letter of originality. The author must avoid allusions to their own authorship when referencing the work, and their name cannot appear in the entire length of file 1. In the message accompanying the submission of the files, the section to which the text is addressed (Studies or Articles) must be specified. The journal does not accept Studies or Articles with more than three authors.
  14. When a text is sent to the Studies section, the journal secretary will assign a code and apply the anti-plagiarism system. Once these provisions have been fulfilled, the secretary will send files 1 and 2 (with the anti-plagiarism report) to the editor of the Studies section of the corresponding issue. From that moment on, the continuation of the evaluation process is responsibility of the associate editor (or editors) of the particular issue.
  15. When a text is sent to the Articles section, the journal secretary sends file 1 of the text to the editorial secretary (or, otherwise, to the journal editor) for initial authorization; the latter may refer it to an area advisor —depending on the discipline concerned in the text— in order to have a more accurate justification for the decision. With the initial authorization of the editorial secretary, the journal secretary assigns a code to the text and applies the anti-plagiarism system. Following these actions, the journal secretary sends files 1 and 2 (with the anti-plagiarism report) to the advisor appointed by the editorial secretary for the continuation of the evaluation process.
  16. The editors and advisors designate which evaluators are involved in the process for each of the texts; this decision must be communicated in each case to the journal secretary to register the names assigned to the text and to notify the journal's management. The texts submitted for evaluation, together with the evaluation questionnaire, are sent to the evaluators by the journal secretary.
  17. Peer reviewers are sent only file 1 (containing title, text and critical apparatus) and the evaluation questionnaire. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the peer reviewers have all the necessary information and are familiar with the journal's author guidelines.
  18. Peer reviewers must consider the papers submitted for review as a confidential document until its publication, both during and after the arbitration process. Under no circumstances may they spread or use the information, details, arguments or interpretations contained in the text submitted for review for their own benefit or that of others, or to the detriment of third parties. Only in special cases may they seek the advice of other specialists in the field, for which they must request prior authorization from the journal's management.
  19. The reviewers must check that the papers submitted for review cite the most relevant texts published on the subject. To this end, they will review the bibliography included in the work, suggesting the elimination of inappropriate references or the incorporation of others that have not been cited.
  20. The members of the Editorial Board, the editorial secretary, the associate editors and the journal's area advisors cannot be evaluators of the texts received by the journal Humanidades.
  21. For the selection of peer reviewers, it will be taken into account that those appointed are experienced academics who meet the qualifying conditions, such as: knowledge of the topic covered in the text (with updated bibliography), sufficiency in the discipline related to the topic, experience in the field of research and academic publication, and expected honesty in the response. In all cases, reviewers from outside the institution responsible for the edition are preferred.
  22. The associate editor, as the person responsible for an issue of the journal, must initially assess the quality and originality of the text submitted to the Studies section (only original works are accepted). Thus, they ensure compliance with the formal rules (such as length, etc.) of the text, controls excessive and unjustified self-citation, or that the author's name does not appear in the body of the text. It also assesses the writing and compliance with the author’s guidelines, including the Chicago citation style. If the text is seriously flawed in most of the above aspects, the editor must notify the journal of its rejection with a brief written justification and the journal secretary will communicate this decision to the author within ten working days. If the text has only formal flaws, such as those resulting from ignorance of any aspect of the rules for authors, the editor will ask the journal secretary to request the author to make the necessary changes.
  23. The associate editor(s) responsible for a monograph in the Studies section must submit at least three approved papers after the arbitration process has ended (excluding the Prologue) in order for the journal's management to authorize their inclusion in an issue of Humanidades.
  24. The associate editor, as the person responsible for an issue of the journal, must initially assess the quality and originality of the text submitted to the Articles section (only original works are accepted). Thus, they ensure compliance with the formal rules (such as length, etc.) of the text, controls excessive and unjustified self-citation, or that the author's name does not appear in the body of the text. It also assesses the writing and compliance with the author’s guidelines, including the Chicago citation style. If the text is seriously flawed in most of the above aspects, the editor must notify the journal of its rejection with a brief written justification and the journal secretary will communicate this decision to the author within ten working days. If the text has only formal flaws, such as those resulting from ignorance of any aspect of the rules for authors, the editor will ask the journal secretary to request the author to make the necessary changes.
  25. If a text submitted to the Articles section raises doubts about its quality and originality for the designated assessor, the text is sent to the director and the editorial secretary for a final decision. In such cases, the continuation of the evaluation process of the text is approved by a majority of votes (editor, editorial secretary, designated assessor).
  26. The reviewers or evaluators of a text have an ordinary period of 1 month (30 calendar days) to carry out the assigned task and complete the evaluation questionnaire. They may request up to 15 days in addition to the regular deadline when the difficulties of the text require it. Completed questionnaires are finally sent to the journal's secretary:
  27. When the votes of the two evaluators of the same text (intended for either of the two sections) contradict each other and there are difficulties in orienting the author of a text, the associate editor or the area advisor may appoint a third evaluator, making the respective communication as established in paragraphs 18 and 19. Three evaluation reports, or the two that are coherent between them, will be sent to the author, according to what the associate editor or area advisor determines.
  28. The texts approved by the associate editor and the area advisor once the review process has been completed are sent to the journal's secretary, expressly indicating the date of acceptance of each of the texts.
  29. The Studies section of any issue of the journal Humanidades requires an introduction that varies in length and content (Prologue), which is responsibility of the associate editor(s). The evaluation of this prologue is responsibility of the journal's editor and the editorial secretary, who have the power to suggest changes or even to reject it for formal reasons.
  30. The arbitration process of a paper intended for publication in the journal culminates, in most cases, with the intervention of the proofreader —once it has been approved. Whenever the proofreader is involved in an issue, their name appears on the authority page immediately before the Editorial Board.
  31. The journal Humanidades does not accept guest authors or "ghost" authors; when this situation is detected, and once it has been duly verified, the editor of the journal can take measures that may go as far as the cancellation of a monograph, the removal of an editor or the removal of an area advisor.
  32. A potential conflict of interest exists when the editor, advisor, evaluator or reviewer has a certain inclination or closeness to the text or its author, which may affect their objectivity or inappropriately influence the decisions they take. Once this situation arises, any of them must immediately notify the director of the journal and is subject to their decision.
  33. An associate editor cannot publish a text authored or co-authored by them in an issue of the journal in which they are listed as partly or wholly responsible. An area advisor may submit a text to the journal for the Studies section or for the Articles section as long as they are completely external to that particular arbitration process.
  34. The journal adopts COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) research and publication ethics guidelines, which should be considered by authors, editors, advisors and reviewers.
  35. Disputes over violations of ethical standards in research and publication will be analyzed and resolved by the Editorial Board at the proposal of the journal's director.
  36. Book reviews and interview proposals should be sent to Reviews are considered and authorized by the editorial secretary. Interviews must be in accordance with the aims of the journal. To this end, they follow a special protocol that begins with the approval of the proposal by the committee mentioned in article 5. The editorial secretary oversees any necessary changes that the text may require up until its publication.
  37. Book reviews must be submitted with the exact details of the book (author, title, city, publisher, year and number of pages), and the details of the contributor writing the review (full name, position and academic institution to which they belong, email address, unique ORCID researcher identifier). Separately, the contributor must send a photo of the book cover in high resolution (minimum size 100 KB) and in jpg format. These contributions must be original, as is the case with all texts published in Humanidades. The secretary of the journal sends the file of each review to the editorial secretary, who assesses the inclusion of the book and its review in the issue of the journal. If the book reviewed is related to the monographic theme of the Studies section, the favourable opinion of the associate editor is required for the inclusion of the review in that issue. The editorial secretary may request the intervention of a special advisor before making a decision and may also make formal suggestions to the text. If in any case the review is rejected, the journal's secretary informs the contributor of the decision taken.
  38. When there is interest in conducting an interview to be published in Humanidades, the person responsible should send a proposal to The information to be provided must include: name and brief CV of the proposed interviewee, reasons for the interest in conducting the interview and the values expected from its content, and full details of the interviewer: full name, institutional affiliation, e-mail and ORCID. The interview proposal normally requires the approval of the committee mentioned in article 5.
  39. An interview text must comply with the format and formal requirements adopted by the journal Humanidades. The interview should always have a suitable title, usually provided by the interviewer. The final text of the interview for publication requires the approval of the journal’s director with the advisory vote of the editorial secretary.
  40. The journal's secretary plans the allocation of the texts (Articles, Reviews and Interviews) selected for inclusion in the issue of a particular monograph of the Studies section; the same applies to illustrations or other additions. The publication of an issue thus planned requires the final approval of the journal's director or, otherwise, of the editorial secretary.

Text approved by the director of Humanidades: revista de la Universidad de Montevideo on the 13th of June of the year two thousand and twenty three.